2014 / 2015
01 October 2014
for the 3th year students, Medical Faculty
ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin
[email protected]
Head: dr hab. n. med. Aleksandra Kładna
HOURS: seminars – 30 hours
PERSON IN CHARGE OF DIDACTICS: dr hab.n.med. Aleksandra Kładna
Contact : mobile 509 401 720 , e-mail: [email protected]
Seminar topics:
Hippocratic Oath, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Declaration of Helsinki, Declaration of Tokio,
Declaration of Geneva, Polish Codes of Medical Ethics – prewar Code of ‘The Chamber of Physicians’ in Poland,
Polish Code of Medical Ethics, Deontological and Ethical Rules of a Polish Physician, European Convention on
Bioethics, Medical Courts, ethics and medical law.
Legal acts, ethical rules concerning medical professions in Poland.
Importance of doctor’s profession and professional responsibility.
Legal and ethical rules concerning doctor-patient relation with particular emphasis on empathic approach to a
patient. Team work, practice in multicultural and multinational environment.
Respect for dignity and patient’s rights while performing doctor’s profession.
Rules of ethical and legal conduct in case of illness, dying and death. Euthanasia in Hippocratic medicine.
Ethical and legal problems concerning resuscitation and futile care.
Organ transplantations, medical experiments – ethical and legal aspects.
Human cloning in ethical view.
Ethical aspects of prenatal diagnostics.
Moral aspects of medical research and their usage.
Legal and ethical rules concerning doctor activities without patient’s consent or using coercion.
Medical records.
Copyright. Corruption in health care. Mobbing in professional environment. Medical and pharmaceutical industry.
Historical figures as role models for medical students. Importance of Medical History in teaching Ethics.
1. Medical Ethics is an obligatory subject for students of the 3th Year, Medical Faculty. It consists of 30 hours of
seminars and ends with a credit.
2. The seminars are held in bloc system at the Department of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Rybacka 1,
room 306.
3. Detailed list of topics and the timetable are presented on the board at the Department of History of Medicine and
Medical Ethics.
4. All meetings start on time – this rule applies to both teachers and students. Students who are late will not be
allowed to enter the room. Students must leave their outer clothes (eg. coats etc.) in the cloakroom (ground floor).
Persons bringing the outer clothes upstairs will not be allowed to enter the room.
5. Students are obliged to prepare for each seminar. Students, who prove unprepared for a seminar and obtain failing
grade, are obliged to correct the failing grade within two weeks.
6. In case of one excused absence a student can get a credit, but is obliged to make up for the seminar missed by
reporting on the topic missed to the teacher in charge, within two weeks.
7. Three not-excused and not made up absences will result in not getting a credit.
8. The Head of the Dept. may give up point 7. in well documented adverse cases.
9. Credit will be granted to students who attend all the seminars and pass the final written test during the last
10. The entry in the credit book should be as follows:
Medical Ethics
dr hab. med. Aleksandra
30 hours
11. According to the Instruction No 71/2012 and 72/2012, please note that it is forbidden to have mobile phones
or any other electronic equipment that allow communication during examinations and credits.
Obligatory literature:
1. Abramsky L.,Chapple J.: Diagnostyka prenatalna, Warszawa,1996
2. Bernard J.: Od biologii do etyki.Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN sp. z o.o., Warszawa,1994
3. Biegański W.: Myśli i aforyzmy o etyce lekarskiej. Warszawa 1957
4. Dokumenty etyczne World Medical Association(Deklaracja helsińska, tokijska i inne) dostępne na stonie
5. Europejska konwencja o ochronie praw człowieka i godności ludzkiej wobec zastosowań biologii i
medycyny(Rada Europy,Oviedo,kwiecień 1997)
6. Hołówka J.: Etyka w działaniu.Pruszyński i S-ka. Warszawa,2001
7. Heimann T.: Etyka lekarska i obowiązki lekarza. Deontologia. Warszawa 1917
8. Kielanowski T. (red.) Etyka i deontologia lekarska.PZWL. Warszawa 1985
9. Kodeks Etyki Lekarskiej z dnia 02 lutego 2004 roku
10. Komitet Etyki w Nauce PAN.: Dobre obyczaje w nauce (dokument na stronie www.ken.pan.pl).
11. Łuków P.: Granice zgody: autonomia zasad i dobro pacjenta.Scholar.Warszawa,2005
12. Muszala A.: Wybrane zagadnienia etyczne z genetyki medycznej. Kraków,1998
13. Mac Intre A.: Krótka historia etyki. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PAN. Warszawa,2012
14. Nowacka M.: Etyka a transplantacje. PWN. Warszawa 2003
15. Olejnik S.: Etyka lekarska,Katowice,1995
16. Powszechna Deklaracja Praw Człowieka
17. Singer P.: Etyka praktyczna.Przekł. z ang. A.Sagan. Warszawa,2003
18. Suchorzewska J.(red.), wybrane zagadnienia etyki lekarskiej z elementami prawa w medycynie. Akademia
Medyczna w Gdańsku, Gdańsk 2006
19. Szumowski W.:Historia medycyny. PZWL,Warszawa 1961
20. Tulczyński A.: Wzory osobowe polskiej deontologii lekarskiej. Polskie Towarzystwo Higieniczne. Warszawa
21. Zasady dobrej praktyki badań klinicznych wydane przez Międzynarodową Konferencję ds.Harmonizacji w 1996 r.
22. Ziółkowska- Rudowicz, E., Kładna, A., Empathy as an import ant clinical sill. W: A.Kładna (Red.). Nursing.
Desmurgy. Published by The Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin, 2008, s. 9-20.
23. Ziółkowska- Rudowicz, E., Kładna, A. , Empatia jako jedna z ważnych umiejętności klinicznych. W: A.Kładna
(Red.). Pielęgniarstwo. Desmurgia. Stany zagrożenia życia. Wydawnictwo PAM, Szczecin, 2007, s.9-21