Subject name ECTS Code SELECTED ASPECTS OF SOCIOLOGY Name of unit teaching the subject DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE, CONSTRUCTION AND APPLIED ARTS Studies Field of study Interior Architecture degree second mode non-stationary major specialization Surname of instructor (instructors) Type of class, method of implementation and specified number of hours A. Type of class Lecture Amount of ECTS points Lecture = 2 ECTS B. Method of implementation classes in a didactic room C. Amount of hours in accordance with the approved curriculum Didactic cycle winter semester Subject status facultative Language of instruction Polish Didactic methods Forms and methods of passing and general grading criteria or examination requirements Lecture supplemented with multimedia presentations A. Method of passing examination B. Forms of passing: written examination: test C. Basic grading criteria Exam mark based on points received on the test. Average mark means 51% correct answers. Good mark means 70%-89%. Excellent mark means 90% and above Definition of preparatory subjects and initial requirements No initial requirements Subject aim Acquiring the knowledge on the subject of selected phenomena and social processes as well as showing possible ways to interpret them Program content Sociology as a science – basic aspects: object of sociology, classicists of sociology, classical sociology theories (basic aspects) Interaction as the basis of social reality Aspects connected with social groups: social indicators of a social group, group structures, concept of reference groups Socialization in a sociological approach, theories of socialization, types of socialization Social structure and its empirical analysis: classical concepts of social stratification, elements which differentiate social classes, social stratification in Poland and in Europe Culture in a sociological interpretation: types of culture, popular culture, outline of theory of communications Social capital concepts: presentations of concepts of Robert Putnam, Francis Fukuyama, Pierre Bourdieu and Michael Woolcock Urban public space as a field of social relations Basics of methods and techniques of social research Globalization in a sociological approach: concept of three waves of globalization, globalization according to Zygmunt Bauman Literature A. Literature required to pass the class (pass the exam) A.1. used in class Piotr Sztompka Socjologia Kraków 2002 Anthony Giddens, Socjologia, Warszawa 2004. Peter Berger, Zaproszenie do socjologii, Warszawa 1995. Encyklopedia socjologii, tomy 1-4 i Suplement Krzysztof Bierwiaczonek, Lewicka Barbara, Nawrocki Tomasz, Rynki, malle i cmentarze. Przestrzeń publiczna miast śląskich w ujęciu socjologicznym, Kraków 2012 Marian Golka Socjologia kultury Warszawa 2007 A.2. studied independently by the student Marek S. Szczepański, Bohdan Jałowiecki Miasto i przestrzeń w perspektywie socjologicznej Warszawa 2002 (second edition 2006) Piotr Sztompka, Małgorzata Bogunia-Borowska Socjologia codzienności Kraków 2008. Robert Cialdini Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi. Teoria i praktyka Gdańsk 2004 (also earlier and latter editions) Peter Berger, Thomas Luckamn, Społeczne tworzenie rzeczywistości, Warszawa 2010 B. Supplmentary literature Earl Babbie, Badania społeczne w praktyce, Warszawa 2003 Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias, Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Poznań 2001. Study effects: Acquiring knowledge on the subject of basic social phenomena and processes, showing ways to interpret social reality and acquiring the basics of knowledge regarding methods and techniques of social research Relation to major-related Relation to educational Effect Description of effect educational outcomes outcomes in the education no area Knowledge: W1 Student acquires knowledge regarding basic social phenomena and processes K_W10 A2A_W11 W2 Student knows the basics of knowledge regarding methods and techniques of social research K_W9 A2A_W11, A2A_W12 K_U07 A2A_U18 K_U06 A2A_U15, A2A_U18, A2A_U20 K_K05 A2A_K01 Abilities: Student can use basic knowledge in social sciences in completing a design process Student knows the basics of interaction theory and U2 social communications theory, can cooperate in completing group projects Social competencies: U1 K1 Student is conscious of functioning in a wider social system and of the necessity to raise his social competencies