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The Most Iconic
Secret Agent
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Nie czas umierać!
„Bond to ktoś, kim chce być każdy mężczyzna i kogo chce mieć każda kobieta”
nany z zamiłowania do nowoczesnych gadżetów, szybkich
samochodów, smokingów i martini wstrząśniętego, ale nie zmieszanego brytyjski agent w tajnej
służbie Jej Królewskiej Mości
konsekwentnie już od prawie
sześćdziesięciu lat udaremnia
niecne plany złoczyńców.
W czasie zimnej wojny neutralizował napięcia na linii blok sowiecki – zachodnie mocarstwa. Chronił świat
przed nuklearnymi zapędami szaleńców, megalomanów albo tych, którzy zwyczajnie stali po niewłaściwej
stronie politycznego sporu. James Bond był i jest na posterunku. Przygody 007 zawsze mówiły wiele o tym, co
w danym momencie jawiło się jako największe zagrożenie dla świata. Tylu jest jeszcze łotrów do pokonania,
tyle zagadek do rozwiązania. Bondzie, nie czas umierać!
Na kolejny film o agencie 007 przyjdzie nam jednak
jeszcze trochę poczekać. Z powodu trwającej pandemii
premiera opóźnia się po raz kolejny. W oczekiwaniu na
nią wszystkim gorącym fanom brytyjskiego szpiega proponujemy wirtualną wycieczkę do miejsc znanych z klasycznych filmów z tej serii, również do tych w odległych
i egzotycznych miejscach świata. W swoim artykule Laura Powers przypomina nam także wspaniałych aktorów,
którzy wcielali się w postać stworzoną przez Iana Fleminga, w tym nieodżałowanego Seana Connery’ego.
Bond grany był przez wielu wybitnych aktorów.
Sean Connery uczynił z niego uroczego, eleganckiego
i superinteligentnego agenta, uosabiającego dyskretną męską siłę, która przebijała spod wyrafinowanych
min i ruchów brwi. Daniel Craig nadał 007 nowego wyrazu. Przeobraził go w poobijanego i obolałego agenta,
walczącego ze słabościami, który pozornie nie pasuje
do wcześniejszych wcieleń Bonda. Współczesny agent
ma więcej uczuć i coraz mniej gadżetów. Na srebrnym
ekranie coraz rzadziej widzimy nowinki techniki, za to
kamera coraz częściej eksponuje jego przystojne ciało.
Nie tylko sam główny bohater się zmienił. Występujący wraz z nim aktorzy i aktorki, niegdyś głównie biali,
charakteryzowani w razie potrzeby na przedstawicieli
innych ras, teraz grają samych siebie zgodnie ze swoją
przynależnością etniczną. Filmowe czarne charaktery – pierwotnie straszno-śmieszne postacie, obdarzone jakimś defektem i jednocześnie jakimś niezwykłym
talentem – zostały obecnie wyparte przez zwykłych
mężczyzn, tyle że dysponujących nadprzyrodzoną siłą
fizyczną i zamiłowaniem do przemocy. Zmieniła się
również lokalizacja akcji filmu. W pierwszej serii akcja
zwykle toczyła się w jednym miejscu. W najnowszych
produkcjach miejsce akcji zmienia się wielokrotnie.
„Świat to za mało!”.
To, co jednak się nie zmieniło, to – cytując Raymonda
Chandlera – fakt, że „Bond to ktoś, kim chce być każdy
mężczyzna i kogo chce mieć każda kobieta”.
Drodzy czytelnicy, gorąco was zachęcamy nie tylko do
wybrania się w wirtualną wycieczkę do miejsc znanych
z filmów o Jamesie Bondzie, ale przede wszystkim do
wykonania przygotowanych zadań na poziomach niższym średnio zaawansowanym (B1), średnio zaawansowanym (B2) oraz zaawansowanym (C1). Pomogą
one wykorzystać waszą znajomość języka angielskiego i podnosić ją na wyższy poziom. Teksty jak zawsze
wzbogaciliśmy o nagrania audio i wideo. Do każdego artykułu dołączyliśmy też słowniczek, aby ułatwić wam
opanowanie przydatnych słów, kluczowych dla lepszego zrozumienia treści.
Życzę Państwu przyjemności i satysfakcji z chwil
spędzonych z językiem angielskim oraz wszystkiego
najlepszego w nadchodzącym 2021 roku! NL
Mariusz Gomuła jest absolwentem uniwersytetu
Warszawskiego, Wydziału Neofilologii oraz Ośrodka
Studiów Amerykańskich. Specjalizuje się
w metodyce nauczania języka angielskiego oraz
w kulturze i literaturze krajów anglosaskich ze
szczególnym uwzlędnieniem Stanów Zjednoczonych
Ameryki. Założyciel i właściciel firmy szkoleniowej
Fountain of Knowledge – Nauka Języków Obcych.
Współpracował z wieloma polskimi
i międzynarodowymi firmami w obszarach:
audytów językowych, szkoleń językowych i biznesowych, coachingu językowego oraz tłumaczeń
specjalistycznych. Prywatnie zapalony podróżnik
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001_NWL editorial.indd 1
30.11.2020 09:42
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Janelle Monáe’s
Film Antebellum Shows
the Horrors of Systemic Racism
The Most Iconic James Bond
Locations Around the World
A Tribute to Sean Connery, the Original 007 �������������������������������������� 6
The Most Interesting Women
in the World:
A Century of Explorers
We owe a lot to these trailblazing women who were pioneers in
exploring the world in the past 100 years�������������������������������������������� 11
Otherworldly Natural
Phenomena You’ve Got to See
“I’m a Plus-Size Fashion Influencer”
Kellie Brown talks about “acceptable fat” ���������������������������������������� 30
An Underwater Art World That’s
Helping to Save Our Oceans
The Seven Wonders of the World are famous,
Dive into Jason deCaires Taylor’s underwater art exhibits from
but what about those that didn’t quite make the cut?
Take our word for it—they are just as worth seeing����������������������� 16
Socially Distanced Nights
Under the Stars
around the world�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Will Anyone Ever Name Their
Child Karen Again?
What happens when a name like Karen becomes tainted
From a treehouse in a Swedish forest to an igloo under the
northern lights, spending a night at one of these immersive
hotels is an adventure in itself����������������������������������������������������������������� 21
“We’re in the middle of a revolution. We’re in the middle
of a reckoning,” Janelle Monáe told Newsweek�������������������������������26
by association with negative traits or actions? Judging by the
Dicks, Berthas and Adolphs of the world, the future
is not looking bright for Karen ���������������������������������������������������������������39
Newsweek Learning English
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Opracowanie graficzne: Aleksandra Kuc
Fotoedycja: Tomasz Królik
Opracowanie metodyczne materiałów:
Mariusz Gomuła Fountain of Knowledge
– Nauka Języków Obcych
Korekta j. angielski: Mariusz Gomuła Fountain
of Knowledge – Nauka Języków Obcych
Tłumaczenie: Mariusz Gomuła Fountain
of Knowledge – Nauka Języków Obcych
Korekta j. polski: Newsweek Polska
Dyrektor ds. rozwoju projektów
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The Top 10 Hospitals
in the World
a global market research and consumer
4 Smart
Money Moves
to Make as the Economy
Starts to Recover
data company, to develop a groundbreaking
As business conditions slowly start
Newsweek partnered with Statista Inc.,
ranking of the world’s best hospitals . . . . 43
Coming Clean About
Sometimes health care gets it wrong.
That doesn’t mean we’re
not doing it right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
to improve across the country,
there are deals to be had
for savvy consumers and savers
—if you can afford to take
advantage of them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
There’s Plenty
of Good Music
The year to come has plenty
Massive Stimulus
Spending is the Only Fix
for Ailing Economy
Członek Izby Wydawców Prasy i Związku Kontroli Dystrybucji
Prasy, www.ringieraxelspringer.pl
Adres: ul. Domaniewska 49, 02-672 Warszawa
Prezes zarządu: Mark Dekan
Prezes honorowy: Wiesław Podkański
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Sprzedaż internetowa wydań archiwalnych,
specjalnych i prenumeraty: www.literia.pl
Reklamacje: e-mail: [email protected]
Prenumerata krajowa: Poczta Polska
oraz Ruch SA na terenie całego kraju
Prenumerata zagraniczna: www.literia.pl
in store for those of us still
amenable to pop’s
humble charms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Klucz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Newsweek asked 12 top financial experts to
offer the next occupant of the White House
their best advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
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002-003_NWL spis.indd 3
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Przeczytaj lub odsłuchaj nagrany tekst
i odpowiedz na przygotowane pytania.
Nauczysz się analizy tekstu – jednej z umiejętności
najbardziej przydatnych w mówieniu.
Jak się uczyć
z naszym
Wybierz materiał
na twoim poziomie
agazyn „Newsweek Learning English”
zawiera oryginalne artykuły z amerykańskiej edycji „Newsweeka” na
trzech poziomach zaawansowania:
B1, B2, C1. Wybraliśmy teksty niekiedy nawet kontrowersyjne, by ich lektura wyzwalała emocje, skłaniała do
refleksji i gorących dyskusji w języku
angielskim. Taka idea przyświecała powstaniu naszego edukacyjnego magazynu: chcielibyśmy, by czytelnicy wprawiali się w swobodnym wypowiadaniu się. Do każdego tekstu załączyliśmy słowniczek
z kluczowymi wyrażeniami oraz ćwiczenia, które uczą wyrażania opinii, analizy tekstu i prezentowania własnego stanowiska. By w pełni
wykorzystać przygotowany materiał, dobrze wykonać je wszystkie.
Dzięki naszemu magazynowi poznają Państwo żywy, autentyczny,
wciąż zmieniający się język angielski, jakim posługują się mieszkańcy krajów anglosaskich, przydatne słownictwo i niezbędne konstrukcje gramatyczne.
Życzę owocnej nauki!
Mariusz Gomuła, autor metodyki
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Obejrzyj nagranie wideo i odpowiedz na pytania.
Dzięki filmikom poznasz nowe słownictwo.
Osłuchasz się również z właściwą wymową
i akcentacją.
Przetłumacz wybrane zdania. W każdym zastosuj
proponowane słowo lub wyrażenie. Zwróć uwagę
na sugerowaną formę gramatyczną. To zadanie
ma na celu nauczyć cię myślenia po angielsku.
Przedstaw problem poruszony w tekście.
Nagraj wypowiedź na dyktafon, a następnie
odsłuchaj nagranie, by sprawdzić,
czy nie pominąłeś istotnych faktów.
Przećwiczysz kluczowe słownictwo,
które pozwoli ci streścić artykuł oraz
w naturalny sposób wyrazić swoją opinię.
QR kod
i obejrzyj
QR kod
i odsłuchaj
Efektem finalnym lekcji będzie
skuteczna prezentacja twojej opinii
na temat poruszony w artykule.
Rozważ kwestie przedstawione
w tekście z określonych punktów
widzenia. Nagraj wypowiedź
na dyktafon, a następnie odsłuchaj,
by się upewnić, że odniosłeś się
do istotnych faktów z artykułu.
Wykorzystaj przygotowane
przez nas wyrażenia, dzięki którym
twoja prezentacja będzie spójna.
na dyktafon
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die-hard fan
– zagorzały fan
mourn the death
– opłakiwać śmierć
dapper secret agent
– wytworny tajny
foil villains
– powstrzymywać
złoczyńców, czarne
far-flung – odległy
precarious cliff
– niebezpieczny klif
The Most Iconic
James Bond
Locations Around
the World
re you a die-hard James
Bond fan mourning the
death of the original film
actor? Tired of waiting for
the next movie in the franchise, delayed yet again by
the pandemic? In tribute to
Sean Connery, who played
the dapper secret agent on-screen seven times
and died in the Bahamas on October 31, and while
waiting for No Time to Die, take a virtual tour of filming locations from classic Bond movies through the
years. Known for his tuxedos, shaken-not-stirred
martinis, Aston Martin luxury motorcars and gadgets (courtesy of Q), the British secret agent—portrayed by six different actors on film, beginning with
Connery in 1962—has consistently foiled villains
in adventures set in far-flung, exotic locales.
Furka Pass
The Alps, Switzerland
In the classic movie Goldfinger (1964, Sean Connery), Bond races along these precarious cliffs in
pursuit of the villain. The sharp turns and breakneck speeds in classic cars make this an adrenaline-packed scene. You can drive the same road (at
a much slower pace), but it is a region known for
snow, so be careful!
A Tribute to Sean Connery, the Original 007
Newsweek Learning English
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006-010_NWL Sean Connery.indd 6
30.11.2020 09:52
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Varda Viaduct
Hacikiri, Turkey
Fight scenes in blood-pumping locations are a staple of Bond films. Skyfall (2012, Daniel Craig) opens
with a motorbike chase through Istanbul, and the
scene comes to a climax with a fistfight on top of
a moving train as it crosses Varda Viaduct, a stone
bridge 320 feet above a rocky canyon. Take a train
across the bridge along the Baghdad Railway line,
but make sure to stay in the train car.
tuxedo – smoking
high roller
– hazardzista
run-in with
– scysja z kimś
staple – podstawa,
secluded – ustronny,
położony z dala
od czegoś
Casino de Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo, Monaco
What would Bond be without a well-fitting tuxedo
and an extravagant casino? Visit the same hotel and
casino the secret agent did in both Never Say Never
Again (1983, Sean Connery) and GoldenEye (1995,
Pierce Brosnan). High rollers can enter tournaments for Texas hold’em, Roulette and Baccarat
(a favorite of Bond’s) with prizes up to 500,000 euros.
Dunn’s River Falls
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
In almost every adventure, the secret agent finds
himself on a beautiful tropical island with an equally attractive woman. Many remember Sean Connery
in the first Bond film, Dr. No (1962),
with Ursula Andress and her famous white bikini. The locale is
a popular tourist resort destination, but if you visit, don’t expect it to be quite as secluded
as it was for James and his
Bond girl.
Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum
Key West, Florida
In the lesser-known film Licence to Kill (1989) with
Timothy Dalton, Bond chases his enemy to Mexico,
with a stopover and run-in with his boss, M, in Key
West. The building—known for its beautiful architecture and the nearly 50 cats that live on-site—was
also the home of the author of Ernest Hemingway. ”
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006-010_NWL Sean Connery.indd 7
30.11.2020 09:53
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The Most Iconic James Bond Locations Around the World
– oglądanie gwiazd
get stranded
– utkwić gdzieś
eerily lit backdrop
– upiornie oświetlone
– informator
henchman – zbir
take somebody out
– zamordować kogoś
– przypuszczalnie,
dojo – sala służąca
do uprawiania
wschodnich sztuk
Dragon Garden
Tsing Lung Tau, Hong Kong
In The Man With the Golden Gun (1974, Roger
Moore), Bond infiltrates these gardens—meant
to be the private residence of Hai Fat—at night,
taking out guards along the way. The location is
actually a private garden founded by Dr. Lee IuCheung and now owned by Lumina College,
which runs occasional guided tours,
presumably with less security than 007 faced.
ESO Hotel
Cerro Paranal, Chile
The villains of Quantum of Solace (2008) meet at
a hotel in the desert to finalize plans, and Bond (Daniel Craig) is there with his Bond girl (played by Olga
Kurylenko) to foil their plans. In real life, the hotel is
at the Paranal Observatory in the Atacama Desert in
an area known for amazing stargazing and breathtaking scenery. Just don’t get stranded in the desert like Dominic Greene.
Practicing martial arts is important to keep 007 in
fighting shape, and he visits a dojo in You Only Live
Twice (1967, Sean Connery) to keep his skills sharp.
In reality, the castle, located outside Kyoto, isn’t used
as a dojo, but visitors can visit the historic site and
tour the grounds. NL
Giza Pyramid Complex
Giza, Egypt
The pyramids serve as a beautiful and eerily lit backdrop
for the murder of an informant by henchman Jaws (the
man with steel teeth) in The
Spy Who Loved Me (1977). This
iconic tourist destination outside Cairo didn’t need any help
from Bond to put it on the map,
but fans can enjoy the added bonus of exploring the area
with this Roger Moore film in
Laura Powers
Himeji Castle
Himeji, Japan
Newsweek Learning English
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30.11.2020 09:55
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer
the following questions:
Watch the video from 00:00 to 03:00
and answer the following questions:
Which location …
1. … is an impressive and
dangerous Alpine crossing?
2. … was featured in the
opening chase scene of
3. … is a world-famous
complex of ancient
4. … served as a training
headquarters for James
5. … was the home of an
acclaimed American
6. … is a beautifully situated
astronomical observatory?
Task 3
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. Which other actors were considered for the role of the original 007?
2. How did Sean Connery handle the sudden success of James Bond?
3. What helped Sean Connery get into acting work?
4. What other jobs did he do before making it as an actor?
5. What film did Sean Connery win an Oscar for?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
James Bond
Sean Connery, the Original 007
filming locations
die-hard fan
dapper secret agent
breathtaking scenery
extravagant casino
iconic tourist destination
blood-pumping locations
precarious cliffs
breakneck speeds
eerily lit backdrop
lesser-known film
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
mourn the death
keep someone in fighting shape
come to a climax
take out guards
foil someone’s plans
In tribute to Sean Connery, who played …
Known for his tuxedos, …
He has consistently foiled villains in …
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30.11.2020 09:55
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The Most Iconic James Bond Locations Around the World
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(finds himself ) W niemal każdej przygodzie tajny agent trafia
na piękną tropikalną wyspę z równie atrakcyjną kobietą.
Ostre zakręty i breakneck speeds w klasycznych samochodach
sprawiają, że jest to scena pełna adrenaliny.
(remember) Wielu pamięta Seana Connery’ego z pierwszego
filmu o Bondzie, „Doktor No” (1962), z Ursulą Andress i jej
słynnym białym bikini.
You can drive tą samą drogą (w znacznie wolniejszym tempie),
but it is region znany ze śniegu, więc uważaj!
Czarne charaktery z „Quantum of Solace” (2008) spotykają się
w hotelu na pustyni, aby sfinalizować plany, a Bond (Daniel
Craig) jest tam ze swoją Bond girl (którą gra Olga Kurylenko)
to foil their plans.
(martial … fighting) Ćwiczenie sztuk walki jest ważne,
by utrzymać 007 w bojowej formie.
(blood-pumping) Sceny walki w zapierających dech w piersiach
lokalizacjach są podstawą filmów o Bondzie.
W rzeczywistości hotel znajduje się at the Paranal Observatory
na pustyni Atakama, w okolicy znanej z amazing stargazing
i zapierającego dech w piersiach krajobrazu.
(opens … comes … climax) „Skyfall” zaczyna się od pościgu
motocyklowego przez Stambuł, a scena osiąga punkt
kulminacyjny, gdy dochodzi do walki na pięści na dachu
jadącego pociągu.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change
it to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
W klasycznym filmie „Goldfinger” (1964, Sean Connery) Bond
races along these niebezpiecznych klifów w pogoni za czarnym
Personal: Sean Connery, the Original 007
Many remember Sean Connery in the first …
Known for his tuxedos …
Artistic: James Bond
This action movie has set a benchmark …
Over the years, filmmakers have tried to …
Travel: Filming locations
In almost every adventure, the secret agent finds …
Watching these movies, you can …
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First Black Female Pilot
Bessie Coleman
Le Crotoy, France
“The air is the only place free from
prejudices,” said American Bessie Coleman, the first Black woman to earn her pilot’s license. When
swhe did, in France in 1921, she was
also the first Black person to earn
an international pilot’s license.
Of African American and Native
American descent, “Queen Bess,”
as she was known, performed
aerial stunts and raised funds
for an African American
flying school.
The Most
in the World:
A Century of Explorers
While we won’t be taking
the freedom to travel
for granted ever again
we owe a lot to these
trailblazing women
who were pioneers
in exploring the world
in the past 100 years
n honor of the women’s suffrage centennial, we are highlighting women who were pioneers in exploring the
world in the past 100 years. These real-life wild women threw caution and
convention out the window—such as
the first women to ride solo across the
U.S. on motorcycles; the first woman to
summit the tallest peaks on every continent; and
the first Black woman to host her own travel TV show,
flying her own plane to remote islands around the
world. While we won’t be taking the freedom to travel
for granted ever again post-pandemic, we owe a lot to
these trailblazing women who paved the way for all
of our adventures—even the ones yet to come.
– uprzedzenie
aerial stunts
– powietrzne
women’s suffrage
centennial – setna
rocznica uzyskania
praw wyborczych
przez kobiety
summit a peak
– zdobyć szczyt,
wspiąć się na szczyt
pave the way for
– umożliwiać coś
komuś / sprawiać,
aby coś było dla
kogoś możliwe
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First Woman
to Summit Mount Everest
Junko Tabei, Himalayan
Mountains, Nepal
This pioneering Japanese mountaineer defied
naysayers who told her to “stay at home and
clean the house,” becoming, in 1975, the first
woman to climb to the top of Mount Everest, the
world’s highest peak. Next, she took on the “Seven
Summits,” the highest mountain on each continent,
and was the first woman to conquer those as well.
span – trwać
women’s asylum
– zakład dla
umysłowo chorych
investigative exposé
– raport śledczy
circumnavigate the
globe – okrążyć
defy naysayers
– przeciwstawiać się
krytykom / osobom
o negatywnym
Suffragist Motorcyclists
Van Buren Sisters, New York
City to San Francisco
Sisters Augusta Van Buren and Adeline Van Buren were the first women to ride solo motorcycles across the continental U.S. in 1916—a trip
that spanned 60 days and 5,500 miles. Their
cross-country ride demonstrated that women
could serve as military couriers for intelligence reports in the First World War as well as men.
Globetrotting Journalist
Nellie Bly, Hoboken, New Jersey
An American journalism pioneer who championed
women’s rights, Nellie Bly once spent 10 days
in New York City’s infamous Blackwell’s Island
women’s asylum for an investigative exposé.
She is also known for beating the “around the
world in 80 days” record inspired by the Jules
Verne novel. In 1889 she circumnavigated
the globe by steamship, train, rickshaw,
horse and donkey—all in 72 days.
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The Most Interesting Women in the World: A Century of Explorers
First Woman to Drive Around the World
Aloha Wanderwell, Nice, France
“World’s Most Widely Traveled Girl,” Aloha Wanderwell lived the life of an adventure
movie: Over a seven-year expedition she drove
across six continents behind the wheel of a Model T Ford. She was only 16 years old in 1922,
when she joined a caravan of automobiles circling the globe, and quickly became both the
star and director of the films taken throughout the expedition, along with her pet monkey.
endure a bout
of kidney stones
– cierpieć
z powodu napadów
bólu wywołanych
– zdradliwe warunki
dub – nazywać,
nadawać przydomek
matriarchal divers
– tutaj: grupa
dojrzałych kobiet
zajmujących się
uncharted path
– niezbadana ścieżka
Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz
Canary Islands, Spain
It took two years, but the Polish sea captain and
shipbuilding engineer became the first woman to
sail solo around the world, completing the circuit in
1978. Enduring a bout of kidney stones and
treacherous conditions through the Great Barrier Reef, the “First Lady of the Oceans” singlehandedly sailed 28,696 miles across the seven seas.
First Black Woman
to Host a Travel
TV Series
Kellee Edwards
Indonesia to Alaska
Dubbed “The Most Interesting Woman in the
World” by Outside magazine, Kellee Edwards,
host of Mysterious Islands on the Travel Channel, is a licensed pilot
and expert scuba diver who flies herself to remote islands for high-adrenaline adventures. They
include exploring Indonesian caves with thousands of buried bodies, freediving with matriarchal divers in South Korea and piloting an
aircraft in Alaska’s temperamental Aleutian Chain.
“I wanted to change what the face of exploration and adventure looks like. It is not solely white
males, despite what history and media would have
you to believe,” says Edwards on what motivated
her to take this uncharted path. Who were the
“Most Interesting Women in the World” before her?
First Black Woman to Trek to Both Poles
Barbara Hillary, North and South Poles
Defying stereotypes of age and race, African American
adventurer Barbara Hillary was the first Black woman to trek to both the North and South Poles, arriving
at ages 75 and 79, respectively—and after surviving
breast cancer in her 20s and lung cancer in her 60s. NL
Kathleen Rellihan
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30.11.2020 10:00
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer
the following questions:
Watch the video from 00:00 to 02:47
and answer the following questions:
Which woman/women…
1. … proved that they could
contribute to the war effort as
well as any man?
2. … was the first woman to climb
the highest mountain in the
3. … circumnavigated the Earth,
breaking the famous record?
4. … survived cancer, twice, and
trekked to both poles?
5. … was dubbed “the most
interesting woman in the
6. … became the first Black person
to obtain an international
pilot’s license?
Task 3
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. What document was signed at the first ever Women’s Rights Convention in 1848?
2. When did American women get voting rights?
3. What role did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott play in the women’s
suffrage movement in the U.S.?
4. Why did the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution divide American
5. Which U.S. states were the first to grant women the right to vote?
6. Which women led the National Association of Colored Women?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
women’s suffrage centennial
trailblazing women
pioneers in exploring the world
women’s asylum
free from prejudices
pioneering mountaineer
matriarchal divers
uncharted path
a bout of kidney stones
treacherous conditions
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
In honor of the women’s suffrage centennial, …
These real-life wild women threw caution …
They paved the way for …
summit the tallest peaks
pave the way for adventures
circumnavigate the globe
earn a pilot’s license
defy stereotypes
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The Most Interesting Women in the World: A Century of Explorers
Aloha Wanderwell żyła jak w filmie przygodowym:
Over a seven-year wyprawy przejechała sześć kontynentów
za kierownicą of a Model T Ford.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(dubbed … by) Kellee Edwards została nazwana „Najbardziej
interesującą kobietą na świecie” przez magazyn „Outside”.
It took dwa lata, ale polska kapitan żeglugi morskiej
i shipbuilding engineer została pierwszą kobietą, która
samotnie opłynęła świat.
(beating … inspired) Nellie Bly jest również znana z pobicia
rekordu „w 80 dni dookoła świata”, zainspirowanego powieścią
Juliusza Verne’a.
Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, „Pierwsza dama oceanów”,
single-handedly przepłynęła 28 696 mil across siedem mórz.
(circumnavigated … rickshaw) W 1889 roku okrążyła świat
parowcem, pociągiem, rikszą, konno i na ośle – wszystko
w 72 dni.
Barbara Hillary była pierwszą czarnoskórą kobietą to trek to
zarówno biegun północny, jak i południowy.
(ride solo … across) Siostry Augusta Van Buren i Adeline
Van Buren były pierwszymi kobietami, które w 1916 roku
samodzielnie przejechały na motocyklach kontynentalne
Stany Zjednoczone.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(earn) Bessie Coleman była pierwszą czarnoskórą kobietą,
która zdobyła licencję pilota.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change
it to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Historical: Women’s suffrage centennial
However difficult it might be …
American women got the right to …
Personal: Travel adventures
Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz single-handedly …
The Van Buren sisters were the first women to …
Social: Pioneers in exploring the world
All these women faced adversity …
They paved the way for …
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Otherworldly Natural
Phenomena You’ve Got to See
The Seven Wonders of the World are famous, but what about those that didn’t
quite make the cut? Take our word for it—they are just as worth seeing
make the cut
– przejść eliminacje
mating ritual – rytuał
have something up
one’s sleeve – mieć
coś w zanadrzu
grove of trees
– niewielki las,
skupisko drzew
make up something
– tworzyć coś,
składać się (na coś)
inexplicable way
– niewytłumaczalny
crooked trunk
– krzywy pień
he Seven Wonders of the
World are famous, but what
about those that didn’t quite
make the cut? Take our
word for it—they are just as
worth seeing. But visits to
some of these marvels need
to be timed just right, as they
only happen a few months out of the year. Whether it’s a special chemical reaction or a synchronized
mating ritual, these splendors deserve a spot in
your schedule. In every corner of the world, Mother Nature has something up her sleeve that continues to shock visitors year after year.
Crooked Forest, Gryfino, Poland
What might appear to be a regular grove of trees
from a distance is far from that upon closer inspection. Around 400 pine trees, each less than 100 years
old, make up what is known as the “crooked forest”
due to the inexplicable way each one developed
with a crooked trunk at its base before straightening back up.
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what meets the
eye – to, co widać na
pierwszy rzut oka
orb – koło
highly flammable
gas – wysoce
łatwopalny gaz
lightning – piorun
flash up – błyskać się
ignite – zapalić
glow – jarzyć /
świecić się
Lake Abraham, Alberta, Canada
Each winter, as this lake begins to freeze over, what
happens under the surface is much more curious
than what meets the eye. Bubbles of methane
form on the floor of the lake throughout the year and
as the temperatures drop, the orbs rise and freeze
at various heights in the water. These beautiful patterns can be dangerous though; if a bubble cracks,
highly flammable gas is released.
Catatumbo Lightning,
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Where the Catatumbo River meets Lake Maracaibo,
lightning does, in fact, strike
twice. It has been known to
flash up to 250 times per
square kilometer (.4 mile)
per year, leading to up to 300
storm days annually, with the best time for viewing
June through November. NASA says it is the highest
concentration of lightning on earth.
Sea of Stars, Vaadho, Maldives
The Maldives is known for its beautiful turquoise
waters and bungalows, but what’s going on just under the sea is at least as impressive. In the late
summer, the reefs around the Maldives fill with bioluminescent phytoplankton; ignited by the movement of the waves, they make the water glow like
a star-filled sky.
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Otherworldly Natural Phenomena You’ve Got to See
Nacreous Clouds,
sulfur – siarka
faint of heart
– o słabych nerwach
– niegościnny,
surowy (np. klimat)
iridescent clouds
– migoczące,
opalizujące chmury
high altitude – duża
lustrous, mother-ofpearl effect – lśniący
efekt masy perłowej
rare occurrence
– rzadkie zjawisko
firefly – świetlik
While these shimmering
iridescent clouds visible mainly in the polar regions are eye-catching,
they are in fact quite dangerous to the ozone layer. Occurring only at very
high altitudes when
the temperature drops
enough to crystallize the
moisture in the air, the light reflects off of these crystals to create a lustrous, mother-of-pearl effect
—and a destructive chemical reaction.
Kawah Ijen Crater,
Java, Indonesia
While lava typically appears bright red or orange,
due to a chemical reaction when sulfur meets the
air at this volcano, the lava shines a bright blue color
that is only really visible after sundown. Visiting this
region is not for the faint of heart, though, due to
the presence of toxic gases that make this act of nature possible—but also inhospitable to humans.
During part of the year, red algae flowers make this
river in the National Park of La Macarena shine a vibrant, ruby-red color. The peak time to see the colors
in full form is late summer to early autumn.
Starling Murmuration, United Kingdom
In what mimics a dark cloud moving through the
air every fall across the United Kingdom, onlookers
can witness this amazing display of animals working
in ways humans have yet to fully understand. Anywhere from hundreds to thousands of these birds
group together, creating this synchronized dance in
the sky.
Great Smoky
Tennessee and
North Carolina
Did you see that? In
a rare occurrence of
non-human life working
in mysterious ways, thousands of fireflies gather
together and flash simultaneously every few seconds during their mating ritual, which lasts for only two weeks a year, usually
sometime during May or June. NL L
Alexandra Schonfeld
Caño Cristales, Meta, Colombia
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer the following
Watch the video from 01:44–05:00
and answer the following questions:
1. … should you not go if you are afraid of
2. … can you see a grove of oddly shaped
pine trees?
3. … do you have a rare occasion to see
stratospheric clouds characterized by
brilliant iridescent colors?
4. … can you see species that can
synchronize their flashing light
5. … can you see an active volcanic crater
famous for its bright blue color?
6. … can you find beautiful natural
phenomenon glowing underwater?
Task 3
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. What is the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland?
2. According to folklore, who built it?
3. Why is Lake Natron in Tanzania inhospitable for most animals?
4. What rock formations are characteristic of the White Desert in Egypt?
5. Why does the Indonesian volcano burn bright blue?
6. What is the Wave in Arizona made of?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
natural phenomena
wonders of the world
beautiful patterns
amazing display
beautiful turquoise waters
dark cloud
faint of heart
toxic gases
destructive chemical reaction
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
create a synchronized dance in the sky
make up the crooked forest
crystallize the moisture in the air
create a lustrous,
mother-of-pearl effect
The Seven Wonders of the World are …
But visits to some of these marvels …
In every corner of the world, …
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Otherworldly Natural Phenomena You’ve Got to See
Anywhere od setek do tysięcy tych ptaków group together,
tworząc this synchronized dance na niebie.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(happens … curious) To, co dzieje się pod powierzchnią, jest
o wiele ciekawsze niż to, co widać na pierwszy rzut oka.
To, co może wydawać się zwykłym niewielkim lasem from
a distance, is far from that przy bliższym przyjrzeniu się.
(cracks … released) Te piękne wzory mogą być jednak
niebezpieczne; jeśli bańka pęknie, uwolniony zostaje wysoce
łatwopalny gaz.
Około 400 sosen, z których każda ma mniej niż 100 lat, tworzy
what is known as „krzywy las”.
Malediwy słyną z pięknych turkusowych wód and bungalows.
(gather together … flash) Tysiące świetlików gromadzą się
i migają jednocześnie co kilka sekund podczas swojego rytuału
Ale to, co dzieje się tuż under the sea, jest at least równie
(lasts … sometime during) Trwa to tylko dwa tygodnie w roku,
zwykle w okolicach maja lub czerwca.
Lawa shines jasnoniebieskim kolorem, który jest naprawdę
widoczny dopiero po zachodzie słońca.
(see … full form) Szczytowy czas, aby zobaczyć kolory w pełnej
formie, to późne lato do wczesnej jesieni.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(says … lightning) NASA twierdzi, że jest to największa
koncentracja piorunów na Ziemi.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change
it to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Nature: Natural phenomena
There are some otherworldly …
Mother Nature continues to shock …
Tourism: Wonders of the world
For those of you who like …
You’ve also got to see …
Personal: Amazing spots
Each place has something unique …
Depending on what you prefer, you can …
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Socially Distanced
Nights Under the Stars
Ever dreamt of spending the night in a treehouse?
How about a bubble under the stars? Or underwater? From a treehouse
in a Swedish forest to an igloo under the northern lights, spending
a night at one of these immersive hotels is an adventure in itself
itching a tent in a forest may fit
the bill for some, but there are far
more comfortable ways to vacation
surrounded by nature. Ever dreamt
of spending the night in a treehouse?
How about a bubble under the stars?
Or underwater? From a treehouse
in a Swedish forest to an igloo under the northern lights, spending a night at one of these
immersive hotels is an adventure in itself.
Bubble Hotel,
Living in a bubble never looked as
good as it does in these transparent
structures surrounded by towering
pine trees in the Icelandic
wilderness. If you time your stay
just right, you will be able to rest
your head beneath panoramic
views of the northern lights.
pitch a tent – rozbić
fit the bill – nadawać
się, być odpowiednim
immersive hotel
– hotel umożliwiający
zanurzenie się
w naturze
towering pine tree
– strzelista sosna
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unplug – tutaj:
wyłączyć się,
oderwać od
technologii, internetu
rugged – nierówny
(np. teren), surowy
plop – rzucać coś
fire pit – miejsce
na ognisko
pick up a tip
– znaleźć wskazówkę
life span – długość
outer walls
– zewnętrzne ściany
take something in
– zobaczyć coś
Campera Hotel, Baja California, Mexico
Unplugging is easy in the Valle de Guadalupe in
Baja California, Mexico, a region filled with wineries
and less than an hour from the rugged Pacific coast.
These 12 bubbles are plopped right in the middle of
rows of grape vines.
Satori Bubbles, Costa Rica
Starlight Room, Italy
Unlike other hotels that have dozens or hundreds of
rooms, this resort in the Dolomite Mountains has
only one. The windows around the bed are all glass
and the entire room can be rotated for the best view.
Tree Hotel, Sweden
Though not so easy to get to, this treehouse hotel in
the northernmost part of Sweden is worth the trek.
These unique rooms (one is shaped like a UFO, another is a cube whose outer walls are mirrors) allow you to take in forest life from above, including
passing snowmobiles and moose. Accessible only by
ramps or ladders, getting to these rooms is an adventure in itself.
Sleeping in the jungle doesn’t need to be uncivilized.
These bubbles come with a private pool and fire pit
and are a short walk from a beach where you may
spot sea turtles. You may even pick up a tip or two
to add a few years to your life: This area in the Nicoya
Peninsula is one of the world’s “blue zones,” where
the longest life spans have been recorded.
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Socially Distanced Nights Under the Stars
The Muraka, Maldives
Glass hotels can be found not only above ground,
but also underwater, like this one in the Maldives.
Spending a night under the sea at the Muraka lets
you be completely surrounded by colorful fish and
maybe even a passing sea turtle. During the day the
room shimmers as the light reflects off of the ocean
and into your bedroom.
faint of heart
– o słabych nerwach
no easy feat
– nie lada wyzwanie
zipline – zjazd
view – niczym
shimmer – migotać
hiking trail – szlak
stilt – pal
hustle – zgiełk
secluded – ustronny,
położony z dala
od czegoś
Canopée Lit,
Quebéc, Canada
Sky Lodge, Peru
Spending a night on the side of a cliff? Voluntarily?
Not for the faint of heart, these completely glass
rooms hang off a cliff in the Sacred Valley in Cuzco,
Peru. Checking in, though, is no easy feat; it requires either some serious rock climbing or trekking
up a trail that features a zipline.
Leave life on the ground
behind with a night
at this hotel in the
trees. An expansive
campground of hiking trails, cabins and
transparent bubbles on
15-foot stilts, this is
a nature lover’s dream. Nearby is Saguenay Fjord
National Park, a great spot for kayakers to explore
the dramatic cliffs that frame the Saguenay River.
Miluna, Toledo, Spain
An hour away from the hustle of Madrid, this bubble hotel is secluded from any light pollution and
has uninterrupted views of the stars every night. In
the heart of the countryside of the Castilla la Mancha
region, this place is a world away from city life. NL
The Jungle Bubbles
at the Anantara Resort, Thailand
Go on your own private safari. These “jungle bubbles” put you right in the action—watch elephants in
the wild from the comfort and safety of your own living room. After the sun goes down, the bubbles offer
unobstructed views of the entire night sky.
Alexandra Schonfeld
[email protected]
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30.11.2020 10:11
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer the following
Watch the video from 00:00 to 02:04
and answer the following questions:
In which place(s)…
1. … do you need to make a real effort to
even get there?
2. … will nature lovers feel particularly
at home?
3. … can you rent an underwater
4. … can you admire the starry sky every
5. … can guest houses be accessed only
by ramps or ladders?
6. … do indigenous people live a long
Task 3
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. Why is it worth traveling to Iceland?
2. How can the Bubble Hotel be accessed?
3. What other attractions are waiting for tourists in Iceland?
4. What is the Secret Lagoon?
5. What is the best thing about staying at the Bubble Hotel?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
bubble hotel
glass hotels
socially distanced nights
nature lover’s dream
great spot for kayakers
unique rooms
unobstructed views
faint of heart
no easy feat
light pollution
not so easy to get to
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
Ever dreamt of spending the night in …
From a treehouse in a Swedish forest to …
Unplugging is easy in …
pitch a tent
pick up a tip
explore dramatic cliffs
put someone right in the action
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Socially Distanced Nights Under the Stars
W przeciwieństwie do innych hoteli, które mają dozens or
hundreds of rooms, ten ośrodek wypoczynkowy w Dolomitach
ma tylko jeden.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(unplugging … filled) Oderwanie się od technologii jest łatwe
w Valle de Guadalupe w Meksyku, regionie pełnym winnic.
Okna wokół łóżka are all glass, a cały pokój can be rotated for
the najlepszy widok.
(need) Spanie w dżungli nie musi być niecywilizowane.
Dostępne tylko by ramps lub drabinach, getting to these rooms
jest przygodą samą w sobie.
(come with … spot) Bańki te posiadają prywatny basen
oraz miejsce na ognisko i znajdują się w odległości krótkiego
spaceru od plaży, na której można dostrzec żółwie morskie.
Szklane hotele can be found nie tylko nad ziemią, lecz także
pod wodą, jak ten na Malediwach.
(leave … behind) Zostaw za sobą życie na ziemi dzięki nocy w tym
hotelu pośród drzew.
(away … pollution) Godzinę drogi od zgiełku Madrytu – ten
bańkowy hotel jest położony z dala od zanieczyszczenia
Spędzenie nocy pod the sea at the Muraka pozwala ci
całkowicie otoczyć się kolorowymi rybami, a może nawet
a passing sea turtle.
Po zachodzie słońca the bubbles oferują niczym nieprzesłonięte
widoki całego nocnego nieba.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(countryside … a world away) W samym sercu wiejskiego
krajobrazu regionu Kastylia-La Mancha – to miejsce całkowicie
różni się od miejskiego życia.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Social: Distanced nights
Are you fed up with …
How about …
Personal: Immersive hotels
Ever dreamt of spending the night …
Pitching a tent in a forest may …
Adventure: Bubble hotels
All round the world you can find …
For instance, …
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the Horrors
of Systemic
“We’re in the middle
of a revolution.
We’re in the middle
of a reckoning,”
Janelle Monáe
told Newsweek
H. A L A N S C O T T
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n a year where it seems like every facet
of life is going through a massive shift,
musician and actor Janelle Monáe
is front and center as a voice for that
change, especially in her new film Antebellum, available on demand on major
cable and digital platforms September 18. “I want this to be a real look at
the burden that Black women carry every single day
to deconstruct systemic racism and to deconstruct
white supremacy.”
Monáe plays Veronica Henley, a successful writer
trapped in a terrifying reality mirroring America’s
original sin: slavery. “One of the things that this
film says is that the past is not even the past.” While
Monáe is best known as a Grammy-nominated music star, she hit the ground running with her first
two films: Hidden Figures and Moonlight, winner
of an Oscar for Best Picture. She says she’s grateful
those films were her debut. “They had a very specific perspective around the Black experience and
about broadening who we can be as a people.” After Antebellum, “community and being a good citizen is what I’m focused on next,” says Monáe.
Edited excerpts:
How did Antebellum come to you?
I needed to take a bath, and I was like, “Okay, let me
read the script.” I found myself in the tub for about
three hours. There were so many turns in the script;
just when I thought I knew what kind of film it was going to be, it morphed into something else.
In what ways do you think the film reflects the
current moment?
This film mirrors a lot of what we are dealing with today. I think that themes of systemic racism, racial injustice, micro-aggressions, white supremacy and the
burden that Black woman have to carry is at the center
of our lives, of my life and of this film. I feel like we’re in
a fight right now: we’re in a fight for our health—dealing with COVID-19—in a fight for protection against
police brutality, and when you’re in a fight, it’s going to
be uncomfortable. This discomfort that we’re feeling
is a part of everyone’s reality now, and we can’t shy
away from it. One of the things that this film says is
that the past is not even the past.
How do you think the film shows why it’s important to remove symbols of the Confederacy?
We have to be able to connect the history and what
was done to Black people, and people will have to
confront what their ancestors did. These statues
represent pain for the Black community. The flag
represents pain, torture. It represents horror. In order for us to deconstruct systemic racism and white
supremacy, we have to deal with them, we have to
confront them; we have to sit in the discomfort be-
cause real change requires an upsetting, a rerouting,
a real honest look at ourselves. After watching this
film, everybody’s gonna have a mirror that they’ll
have to look in. You should analyze your reflection
and what it represents. And what your values represent. And what your silence represents.
What do you ultimately hope people take from
this film?
I want this to be a real look at the burden that Black
women carry every single day to deconstruct systemic racism and to deconstruct white supremacy every day. You won’t be able to empathize or fight or be
a better ally until you understand what that feels
like. I think this film does that. Certain people will
see themselves in this film; they’ll see their cousins
or their aunts. Depending on which side of the coin
you stand, you’re going to be given a decision, because right now we’re in the middle of a rising. We’re
in the middle of a revolution. We’re in the middle of
a reckoning. And there’s never a wrong time to continue the conversation around what it means to be
a Black woman living in America today.
Was acting always on the horizon for you?
I grew up acting in school, I would do monologue
competitions. I grew up in the arts. I wanted to explore more characters that I felt were most like myself. Art and acting have been very healing for me.
It’s always about which was going to be the right role
for me. I’m just thankful that it was Moonlight and
it was Hidden Figures because those are two stories
that were outliers that year. They had a very specific perspective around the Black experience and
about broadening who we can be as a people.
Do you approach a role similar to how you approach new music?
It depends. Sometimes I just write songs specifically for therapy, and I don’t share them with anybody.
Then I write music where it’s just so honest, I need
to get it out. With music, I have the autonomy to
kind of do it at my own pace. I think when I’m working on a film, I’m with production, a group of folks,
and we’re all trying to tell a story and do what’s best
for the film.
You’ve done so much already over the course of
your short career. What’s something you haven’t
done that you’re dying to do?
I feel like I’m just getting started. I’m always excited
about trying new paints and new mediums and constantly evolving. I think community and being a good
citizen is what I’m focused on next. NL
facet of life – aspekt
white supremacy
– supremacja białych
/ dominacja białej
original sin – grzech
hit the ground
running – od razu
odnieść sukces
w nowej dziedzinie
turn (of events)
– zwrot akcji
morphed into
– przemienić się
w coś
shy away from
something – cofać /
bronić się przed
ancestor – przodek
ally – sojusznik,
outlier – tutaj:
wyjątek, coś
get something
out – powiedzieć /
opublikować coś
“There’s never a wrong time to continue
the conversation around what it means to
be a Black woman living in America today”
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Task 1
QR kod: look how to use at page 4
Task 2
Watch the video from 00:00 to 04:18
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
Listen to the recording and answer the
following questions:
1. What is Janelle Monáe known for?
2. What issues does she want to
highlight in her new film Antebellum?
3. In Janelle Monáe’s opinion, what
problems is America still struggling
4. Why does she believe we need to
remove symbols of the Confederacy?
5. What would Janelle like people to
take from the movie?
6. How does she approach her music and
acting work?
Task 3
1. What views about equal job opportunities did black and white Americans
express in the 2019 Gallup survey?
2. How did the Americans interviewed in the video define racism?
3. In Ibram X. Kendi’s opinion, what are Americans taught about racists?
4. How did the people in the video try to explain the pay gap between blacks and
5. How does Ibram X. Kendi define racism?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
Janelle Monáe’s film Antebellum
systematic racism
symbols of the Confederacy
successful writer
good citizen
real change
better ally
white supremacy
America’s original sin
racial injustice
police brutality
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
In a year where it seems like every …
Janelle Monáe wants …
She plays Veronica Henley, a successful …
carry a burden
deconstruct systemic racism
shy away from something
explore characters
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Janelle Monáe’s Film Antebellum Shows the Horrors of Systemic Racism
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
Ten film odzwierciedla a lot of what mamy dzisiaj do czynienia.
(trapped … mirroring) Janelle Monáe gra Veronicę Henley,
odnoszącą sukcesy pisarkę uwięzioną w przerażającej
rzeczywistości odzwierciedlającej grzech pierworodny
Ameryki: niewolnictwo.
(says) Jedną z rzeczy, o których mówi ten film, jest to,
że przeszłość nie jest nawet przeszłością.
Myślę, że themes of systemowego rasizmu, rasowej
niesprawiedliwości, micro-aggressions, dominacji białych
i ciężaru, który muszą dźwigać czarne kobiety, is at the center of
our lives.
(known) Monáe jest najbardziej znana jako gwiazda muzyki
nominowana do nagrody Grammy.
(hit the ground) Od razu odniosła sukces w swoich dwóch
pierwszych filmach: „Hidden Figures” i „Moonlight”.
(grateful) Mówi, że jest wdzięczna, że te filmy były jej debiutem.
This dyskomfort, który odczuwamy, is a part of rzeczywistości
każdego z nas now i nie możemy się przed nim bronić.
In order for us to deconstruct systemowy rasizm i supremację
białych, musimy sobie z nimi poradzić, we have to stawić im
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(around … Black experience … broadening) Miały bardzo
specyficzną perspektywę na doświadczenie bycia czarnym
i poszerzanie tego, kim możemy być jako ludzie.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Po „Antebellum” „społeczność i bycie dobrą obywatelką is what
I’m focused on next,” mówi Monáe.
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: Janelle Monáe’s film Antebellum
In her new film Antebellum ...
Monáe plays Veronica Henley, a successful ...
Social: Systematic racism
This film mirrors a lot of what ...
One of the things that ...
Historical: Symbols of the Confederacy
In order for us to deconstruct systemic racism ...
After watching this film, everybody’s ...
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Bloggers like Kellie
Brown (opposite)
and Gabi Fresh
(below) had to fight
hard to be seen by
a fashion community
that once used the
words “beautiful”
and “skinny”
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“I’m a Plus-Size
There are plenty of times I have been
overlooked in the fashion world because
there’s long been an “acceptable fat”.
That is: curves with a slim face and small waist
starry-eyed – naiwny,
żyjący w obłokach
harbor a desire
– żywić pragnienie
fit in – pasować,
wpasować się
(np. w grupę ludzi)
requited love
– odwzajemniona
– dysertacja,
(np. doktorska)
worthy – godzien,
zasługujący (na coś)
nudge – trącać,
outfit – ubiór, strój
– inspirujący,
dający siłę
have the chops
– pot. mieć ikrę
gist – sedno, istota
– niewyobrażalny,
t’s quite a thing to love something so
deeply that you know may never really love you back. It all started when
I was a starry-eyed little girl, hoping
to be noticed and harboring a desire
to fit in.
My attraction to fashion as a little
girl grew into an intense teenage love.
But, as I got a little older and reality tightened itself
around me, I learned a hard truth—my love was not
being requited.
I’m a plus-size influencer and loving fashion isn’t
easy when you’re fat. This love has required fight,
dissertations on why I am worthy, defending
my right to exist despite my BMI and so much more.
If you look like me, you will nudge and then push,
only to be met a fraction of the way. The crazy thing
is, my love still endures. As difficult as it has been
made for me: I get dressed.
Fashion has always been a huge part of my life.
I loved watching my mother get dressed. From an
early age I analyzed her choices and thought about
what I would wear when I was a grown up. What
outfits would I pick? Where would I be going?
As a lifelong creative, fashion quickly became a way
for me to express who I was. I love the idea that without speaking, there is so much you can tell someone
about who you are. My career in fashion began with
roles in events and publicity. Being the only fat girl
in a room for a really long time was both empowering and traumatic. You immediately feel judged.
But, I knew I had the chops and belonged in those
rooms. I also knew that it took so much more for me
to express my fashion sensibility, because what was
in my mind rarely existed in my size.
Around 2012, I created a blog called And I Get
Dressed. Early on in the influencer game, we were
just creating and being creative—sharing outfits and
where to shop was about the gist of it. Many thin influencer stars started to rise, and a very small handful of plus-size bloggers like Gabi Fresh were also
making major moves. It was around 2013 that I began to think my hobby had real business potential.
Years of posting, working with brands for free—or
for very little payment— and building a community
with a loyal audience grew into paid collaborations.
Brands like Nordstrom, Target and Nike hired me
because of what I’ve been able to build over the years.
A recent career high was being featured in Vogue.
Yes, the American Vogue. An entire feature about me
and my hair felt sort of mind-boggling. But that
achievement didn’t come without struggles.
There are plenty of times I have been overlooked
in the fashion world because there’s long been an
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“I’m a Plus-Size Fashion Influencer”
“acceptable fat”. That is: curves with a slim face and
small waist. What we recognize as an hourglass
or pear-shape figure. Many influencers, like myself,
have talked about being overlooked because of our
brown skin and paid less than white colleagues with
similar followings to do the same work.
But, the incredible thing about years of getting
dressed is that it’s allowed me to continuously challenge myself. Not only have I been able to explore my
style and how to express it, I’ve been able to proactively work on dismantling my own insecurities.
People often think that confidence is genetic and just
something you do or don’t have. The truth is that it’s
As a lifelong creative,
fashion quickly
became a way for me
to express who I was
constant work—a journey with ebbs and flows. No
one’s confidence is permanently fixed.
A while back on my YouTube channel, I challenged myself to wear something that I’m afraid of
for a week. For me, it was sleeveless clothes. Like
most people my size fluctuates but my arms are
never slim, or anything close to slim. They are large.
They jiggle, they wobble —the whole shebang.
I thought I was just making a video people would
relate to but what happened is that I changed my
own perception of my body. While filming some broll in a sleeveless black dress. A thin woman walked
by me and shouted, “you look so cute!”
I was taken aback. It’s not that thin people have
never complimented me, it was that in the midst of
my heart beating fast and nervous armpit sweating—she was kind. I told her I was filming something
about being afraid of wearing my arms out and she
looked baffled. “Why? All I saw was a pretty tall
lady in a cute dress I want,” she told me. Wow. We are
harder on ourselves than most people will ever be.
My journey in fashion hasn’t been easy. But,
through it all, the most valuable thing about putting yourself “out there” online is that people who might be struggling with self-love in all its
forms, can take the good, the beauty and the value
they see in you and apply it to themselves.
Right now, I’m focused on continuing to grow my
platforms. The community of positive spirits those
platforms have allowed me to cultivate is bigger
than anything I imagined while standing in front of
my old apartment building in New York, snapping
photos of myself in my various outfits.
I live in LA now, but a few seasons ago at New
York Fashion week I created the #FatAtFashionWeek hashtag. At the time, I didn’t anticipate how
many people would feel so seen and included by this
little organic moment in my life.
But there has been a journey of people from all
over the world using the hashtag to say, “we are
here, we belong here.” It has helped reaffirm that
working in the fashion industry is not limited by the
size of your body. It has been incredible. NL
Kellie Brown is a multi-hyphenate content
creator and brand consultant. Brown’s blog,
YouTube and brand And I Get Dressed focuses on
fashion, beauty, home décor and all things stylish
living. The blog has been featured everywhere
from Good Morning America to Vogue, Glamour
magazine and more. Brown has launched a bodypositive inspired collection of inclusive teeshirts that can be purchased here. She recently
brought her New York City fashion sensibility to
the West Coast and is chasing the sun. All views
expressed in this piece are the writer’s own.
– klepsydra
dismantle one’s
– pozbywać się braku
pewności siebie
ebbs and flows
– wzloty i upadki
jiggle – potrząsać
wobble – chwiać się,
trząść się
be taken aback
– zostać
armpit – pacha
look baffled
– wyglądać na
zaskoczonego /
put oneself out
there – otwierać się
(na coś), pokonywać
swoje słabości
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Task 1
QR kod: look how to use at page 4
Task 2
Watch the video from 0:05 to 03:05
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
Listen to the recording and answer the
following questions:
1. What did Kellie Brown dream about
when she was a little girl?
2. What truth did she learn early in her
3. What does Kellie like about fashion?
4. What is Kellie’s blog about?
5. What body type is the accepted
standard of beauty?
6. Why does Kellie think that putting
yourself out there pays off ?
Task 3
1. What is the average clothing size of an American woman?
2. Why do plus-size women have fewer clothes to choose from?
3. What body type has been predominant in the fashion industry over the last
4. Which major plus-size luxury brand had its first-ever fashion show in 2019?
5. What has made it impossible for retailers to ignore plus-size fashion?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
fashion influencer
acceptable fat
business potential
loyal audience
cute dress
positive spirits
hard truth
fat girl
little payment
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
defend one’s right to exist
express one’s fashion sensibility
share outfits
build a community
It’s quite a thing to love something …
It all started when …
Kellie is a plus-size influencer …
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“I’m a Plus-Size Fashion Influencer”
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(starry-eyed) Wszystko zaczęło się, gdy byłam małą naiwną
(attraction … grew into) Moje zainteresowanie modą jako małej
dziewczynki przerodziło się w intensywną nastoletnią miłość.
(got … learned … requited) Ale kiedy trochę podrosłam,
poznałam brutalną prawdę – moja miłość nie była
Jako a lifelong creative, moda szybko stała się dla mnie
sposobem to express, kim jestem.
Podoba mi się to, że without speaking można tak wiele
powiedzieć komuś o tym, kim jesteś.
Bycie jedyną grubą dziewczyną in a room przez naprawdę długi
czas było zarówno empowering, jak i traumatyczne.
(loving … you’re) Jestem influencerką w rozmiarze plus,
a kochanie mody nie jest łatwe, kiedy jest się grubym.
(been) Moda zawsze była ogromną częścią mojego życia.
Wiedziałam też, że it took so much more for me, aby wyrazić
moją modową wrażliwość, ponieważ to, co było w mojej głowie,
rarely existed w moim rozmiarze.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(watching) Uwielbiałam patrzeć, jak moja mama się ubiera.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Od najmłodszych lat analizowałam jej wybory and thought
about what I would nosić, gdy będę dorosła.
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: Fashion influencer
Kellie’s attraction to fashion …
Unfortunately, she learned a hard truth …
Fashion: Plus-size
There is a very small handful of plus-size …
The reason is that …
Social: Acceptable fat
Overweight people seem to ...
They find it difficult to …
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Ocean Atlas
Nassau, Bahamas
Off the coast of Nassau sits the world’s largest underwater sculpture, shallow enough for both snorkelers
and divers to view. This 60-ton, 16-foot tall statue
of a young Bahamian girl appears to hold up the
ocean, just like her Greek namesake Atlas, who mythology says suspended the heavens.
Museum of Underwater Art
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Expected to open to the public in early 2020, deCaires Taylor’s latest project aims to rehabilitate parts of the
world’s largest reef system. Works
in the underwater museum include a partially submerged figure that changes color as the sea
warms and that can be seen from
shore, and even a submerged
coral-covered greenhouse.
An Underwater Art World That’s
Helping to Save Our Oceans
Dive into Jason deCaires Taylor’s underwater art exhibits from around the world
ife-size sculptures submerged
underwater—accessible primarily to divers and snorkelers—are part tourist attraction,
part ecological experiment in
Jason deCaires Taylor’s innovative art installations. “Instead of seeing [the world] as
a hidden, endless resource that we can treat how
we want, I tried to change our relationship to it and
turn it into a more intimate space,” says deCaires
Taylor, a British environmentalist and sculptor.
An avid scuba diver witnessing corals decline
around the world, deCaires Taylor was inspired to
explore how sculpture could be functional apart
from aesthetics by designing man-made reefs.
These underwater gardens created by deCaires
Taylor call attention to the huge threats to ocean
life—from rising sea temperatures to pollution—
with breathtaking art exhibits that also double as
artificial havens for coral to regenerate and new
ecosystems to thrive.
About 25 percent of the ocean’s marine life depend
on healthy reefs for shelter and food, yet 40 percent
of the world’s coral reefs have been damaged over
the last several decades due to factors such as global
warming, overfishing and irresponsible tourism, and
scientists warn even more are at risk.
Creating the world’s first underwater sculpture
park in Grenada in 2006, and with over 1,000 underwater artworks across the globe, deCaires Taylor has artfully highlighted the threats to our
oceans while actively helping to create new life in
hold up the ocean
– podtrzymywać
suspend the heavens
– unosić niebiosa
– szklarnia
avid scuba diver
– zapalony nurek
call attention
to something
– zwracać na coś
thrive – dobrze się
rozwijać /rosnąć
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An Underwater Art World That’s Helping to Save Our Oceans
Nexus Oslo, Norway
Coralarium Sirru Fen Fushi, Maldives
This 2018 tidal art installation—a metallic cube
structure—sits partially submerged in a clear, shallow lagoon. Snorkelers and divers can see sculptures
inside it underwater or climb to the roof where more
human-like figures rest. As the tide recedes, more
of the cube is visible, and over time it will become
a foundation for a new ecosystem.
Commissioned by a children’s art center, these
floating sculptures both in and on the Oslo
fjords—visible underwater and by glass-bottomed
canoe—are monitored by the children as the figures are colonized by marine life. For divers delving deeper into the inlet, freshwater gives way to
green salt water, creating mesmerizing aquatic filters against the sculptures.
Gili Meno, Indonesia
On a small island near
Bali, known for clear waters and turtles, lie these
48 life-size cement figures. The embracing couples encircling additional curled-up figures on the seafloor are a home
for teeming marine life and regenerating coral.
Resting on the seafloor and only 13 feet deep, divers,
snorkelers and glass-bottomed boats visit daily.
The Rising Tide London, U.K.
The Silent Evolution
Isla Mujeres, Mexico
“A lot of my works are ordinary scenes you’d see in
a terrestrial world, but when you drop them into
a different world, you’re able to think a little bit deeper and reflect in a different way,” says deCaires Taylor.
The Silent Evolution is an undersea art exhibit off the Cancun coast. More than 400 life-size
submerged statues were cast from locals from
a nearby fishing village who are now immortalized
guarding their oceans. Ten years old, the man-made
reef is already home to more than 2,000 juvenile
Museo Atlántico
Playa Blanca, Canary Islands
This first underwater art museum in
Europe, opened in 2016, is accessible
to both divers and snorkelers. The
submerged museum holds over 300
life-size casts including The Rubicon—35 figures walking toward
an underwater wall, seemingly sleepwalking through the
demise of the natural world
and climate change.
Unlike most of deCaires Taylor’s works, these sculptures can be seen from land, on the banks of the River Thames, emerging during low tide. Within sight
of the Houses of Parliament, they are a nod to the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and are a reminder
of rising sea levels and the denial of climate change.
Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park
Grenada, West Indies
Installed in 2006 after Molinere Bay suffered devastating damage from the 2004 Hurricane Ivan, these
75 submerged art pieces formed the world’s first underwater sculpture park, which was named one of National Geographic’s 25 Wonders of the World. It now
provides a new base for marine life to proliferate,
and it also draws divers, snorkelers and glass-bottomed boats away from more fragile reefs nearby.
Kathleen Rellihan
recede – cofać się
(o falach przypływu)
terrestrial world
– świat lądowy, ląd
submerged statue
– zanurzony,
zatopiony posąg
– uwieczniony,
juvenile corals
– młode koralowce
life-size cast
– odlew naturalnych
– pozornie
demise of the
natural world
– koniec istnienia /
upadek świata
commissioned by
– na zlecenie,
zlecone przez
floating sculpture
– pływająca rzeźba
delve into the inlet
– przeczesywać
– zachwycający,
encircle – okrążać
curled-up figure
– skulona postać
teeming marine life
– bujna fauna i flora
low tide – odpływ
nod to something
– nawiązanie
do czegoś
– rozrastać się,
mnożyć się
fragile reefs
– delikatne,
kruche rafy
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer the following
Watch the video from 00:12 to 03:24
and answer the following questions:
1. … can you see curled-up figures that
make up an inner circle on the
2. … can some of deCaires Taylor’s
sculptures be viewed from the land?
3. … is the world’s largest underwater
sculpture located?
4. … are submerged sculptures intended
to symbolize the inevitable end of the
natural world?
5. … will deCaires Taylor’s latest
installation be placed?
6. … was the world’s first underwater
sculpture park created?
Task 3
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. What was Jason deCaires Taylor’s first sculpture called?
2. What incredible thing happened later on?
3. What work did he create in Mexico?
4. What is he working on in Lanzarote?
5. What materials and designs does the artist
use when creating his projects?
6. Why does he exhibit his work in the ocean?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
underwater art exhibits
Jason deCaires Taylor
ocean’s marine life
tourist attraction
breathtaking art exhibits
teeming marine life
huge threats to ocean life
irresponsible tourism
devastating damage
demise of the natural world
action verb phrases:
design man-made reefs
call attention to something
delve into the inlet
rehabilitate the world’s largest reef system
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
deCaires Taylor was inspired to explore …
He tried to call attention to the huge threats …
About 25 percent of the ocean’s marine life …
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An Underwater Art World That’s Helping to Save Our Oceans
Off the coast of Nassau znajduje się największa na świecie
podwodna rzeźba, wystarczająco płytko for both snorkelers
and divers to view.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(call attention to … life) Te podwodne ogrody stworzone przez
Jasona deCaires Taylora zwracają uwagę na ogromne
zagrożenia dla fauny i flory w oceanach.
Ten 60-tonowy, wysoki na 16 stóp posąg młodej dziewczyny
z Bahamów appears to podtrzymywać ocean.
(life … depend on … for) Około 25% fauny i flory oceanów zależy
od zdrowych raf, które zapewniają schronienie i pożywienie.
W odróżnieniu od większości prac deCaires Taylora rzeźby te
można zobaczyć from land, nad brzegiem Tamizy, emerging
during low tide.
(damaged … due to … overfishing) Mimo to 40% raf koralowych
na świecie zostało zniszczonych w ciągu kilku ostatnich
dziesięcioleci z powodu takich czynników jak globalne
ocieplenie, przełowienie i nieodpowiedzialna turystyka.
They are a reminder o podnoszącym się poziomie mórz
i the denial of zmian klimatycznych.
Na małej wyspie niedaleko Bali, znanej z czystych wód i żółwi,
spoczywa these 48 life-size cement figures.
(ordinary … world) Wiele moich prac to zwykłe sceny, które
można zobaczyć na lądzie.
Resting na dnie morza i głębokości zaledwie 13 stóp, nurkowie,
snorkelers and glass-bottomed boats odwiedzają je codziennie.
(drop … into … reflect) Ale kiedy przeniesiesz je do innego
świata, masz możliwość zastanowić się trochę głębiej
i pomyśleć w inny sposób – mówi deCaires Taylor.
Task 6
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Artistic: Jason deCaires Taylor
Jason deCaires Taylor created …
He tries to call attention to the huge threats …
Conservation: Ocean’s marine life
About 25 percent of the ocean’s marine life …
40 percent of the world’s coral reefs …
Educational: Underwater art exhibits
The artist believes that when people …
They’d be able to think a little bit deeper and …
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Ever Name
What happens when
a name like Karen
becomes tainted by
association with
negative traits or
actions? Judging by
the Dicks, Berthas
and Adolphs of the
world, the future
is not looking
bright for Karen
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Will Anyone Ever Name Their Child Karen Again?
battery of names
– grupa imion
negative trait
– negatywna cecha
individual – osoba
godna potępienia
off the table
– nie wchodzić w grę
heinous person
– ohydna osoba,
ethnic slur – obelga
o podłożu rasowym
derogatory term
– obraźliwe
thuggish person
– brutalna,
agresywna osoba
– nieszkodliwy
tainted – splamiony,
person of loose
morals – osoba
lekkich obyczajów
take on something
– przybierać coś
(np. znaczenie)
upshot – rezultat,
outlast the taint
of something
– opierać się krytyce,
for something
– skrót od czegoś
morph into
– przemieniać się
w coś
– wszechobecność,
– pejoratywny,
bygone era
– miniona epoka
outdated brand of
– przestarzały
symbol normalności
racist shrew
– rasistowska jędza
alias of Satan – inne
imię szatana
here are 1,107,736 people
named Karen in the United
States right now, and there
are probably never going to be
1,107,737. The reason: Karen
has now joined that battery
of names so closely identified with negative traits or
reprehensible individuals that they’re taken off
the table as baby names by well-meaning parents
everywhere. As far off the table as Adolf?
Unlike Adolf, the name Karen is not associated
with a heinous person who masterminded the
murder of 11 million people and started an international war. Nor is Karen a pointed ethnic slur,
the way many other names that have become epithets often are. Guido is a contemporary example,
now a derogatory term meaning a macho, thuggish person of Italian descent, sparked by the movie Risky Business in 1983.
There were no babies named Guido (or Adolf ) in
the U.S. in 2018, the most recent year counted. But
the year before innocuous Guido became tainted
Guido, 17 baby boys were given the name, the same
number as were named Susan (yes, really), Parnell
and Dick.
Gender politics aside, the trouble with a boy named
Sue, as Johnny Cash once famously sang about, is
a lot more obvious than the problem with Parnell.
But Parnell, along with its female form Petronilla,
was basically the Karen of the 14th century, a oncepopular name that came to mean a priest’s concubine or person of loose morals. The association
may have faded, but the name never really recovered.
Dick is another issue. At the peak of its popularity in
1938, when it was given to nearly 1,000 baby boys, dick
was already a slang term for penis. It wasn’t until the
late 1960s, though, that Dick began taking on other
negative meanings, as a noun, a verb and an adjective.
The upshot: zero baby boys named Dick today.
Some names outlast the taint of their derogatory associations. Few people remember, for instance,
that there was ever anti-Irish prejudice in the U.S.,
much less that it was expressed by calling young
Irish maids who immigrated to the U.S. “the Bridgets.” The term was so negative, shorthand for ignorant and stupid, that many actual Bridgets changed
their name to avoid being stigmatized.
My grandmother was one of them. In 1911 she
renamed herself Bertha, which then became infamous itself when the heavy artillery used by Germany in the first World War was nicknamed Big
Bertha. And so then she changed her name again,
this time to Beatrice.
Many Karens trying to make a name for themselves in this already-difficult world may have the
same idea. The more than 2,000 Karens turning
21 this year may decide to morph into Karas or
Kerrys or Olivias. And the nearly 500 parents who
named their baby girls Karen in 2018 may be suffering the world’s biggest case of baby name regret.
But most Karens—the 32,000-plus who were given the name in the U.S. at its peak in 1965, for instance
—may feel it’s too late to restyle themselves as Olivias. They may also fear they’ll be seen as Karens
even if their name is Lisa or Donna or, okay, Pamela.
The problem with Karen as a name is rooted in
its very ubiquity. The fact that none of the individuals who gave Karen her bad name were actually named Karen is the source of the name’s power as
a pejorative. Karen symbolizes the kind of white
privilege that’s been around so long and is so universal that it passes as ordinary and acceptable, like
the name Karen itself.
But Karen has been fading from fashion as a name
since it hit the height of its popularity 55 years ago,
a year after the Civil Rights Act was signed into law.
And its current derogatory meaning stems, in part,
from it being a relic of that bygone era. It’s a name
that stands for an outdated brand of normalcy,
behavior that was once as unremarkable as segregated schools or blackface comedy but that now is
totally unacceptable.
So is Karen the name as unacceptable as the behavior it signifies?
The short answer is yes. Even before it became
a synonym for racist shrew, Karen was heading
straight downhill as a baby name. And it’s destined
to fall much further much faster until, like Adolf,
like Guido, like Genghis, there are no babies named
Karen at all.
Still, you have to do something a lot worse than
any Karen to be crossed off the master list of names
forever. Lilith, Azrael and Cain—names associated with evil of literally Biblical proportions—are
all coming back as stylish baby names. Figures of
death and destruction—Kali, Electra, Osiris, Pandora, even Hades—are now fashionable names for
innocent babies.
That’s proof that a millennium or two can wash
away even the darkest name associations. As the
British parents who recently won a legal battle to
name their son Lucifer maintained, they saw it not
as an alias of Satan but simply as a unique name
with a pleasing sound.
Said little Lucifer’s dad, “We just thought it was
a nice name.” NL
Pamela Redmond is the co-creator of Nameberry,
the world’s largest baby name website,
and the author of the novel Older, the sequel
to TV’s Younger, due out in September
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Task 1
QR kod: look how to use at page 4
Task 2
Watch the video from 01:45 to 04:43
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
Listen to the recording and answer the
following questions:
1. Why might parents now avoid naming
their child Karen?
2. What other names have become
3. Why did many Irish women named
Bridget change their names when they
moved to America?
4. What has the name Karen come to
symbolize in American culture?
5. Which baby names that used to have
negative connotations are coming back
into favor?
6. Why did one British family name their
son Lucifer?
Task 3
1. In which two countries is Jackson the most popular name?
2. What name has recently seen a massive resurgence in
3. What male name in the top 10 has two spelling variations?
4. In which countries is Emma the most popular female
5. What female name is taking over the world?
6. What is the most popular name in the world?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
baby names
gender politics
well-meaning parents
fashionable names
innocent babies
pleasing sound
negative traits
heinous person
person of loose morals
anti-Irish prejudice
racist shrew
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
give someone/something a bad name
hit the height of popularity
head straight downhill
wash away name associations
win a legal battle
There are 1,107,736 people named Karen in …
Unlike Adolf, the name Karen is not associated with …
They may fear they’ll be seen as …
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Will Anyone Ever Name Their Child Karen Again?
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
Jeszcze zanim stało się synonimem rasistowskiej jędzy, Karen
was heading straight downhill jako imię dla dziecka.
(named) Obecnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych jest 1 107 736 osób
o imieniu Karen i prawdopodobnie nigdy nie będzie 1 107 737.
(battery of … identified) Powód: Karen dołączyła teraz do grupy
imion bardzo mocno utożsamianych z negatywnymi cechami
lub osobami godnymi potępienia.
(associated … masterminded) W przeciwieństwie do Adolfa,
imię Karen nie jest kojarzone z potworem, który zaplanował
zabójstwo 11 milionów ludzi i rozpoczął międzynarodową
(rooted) Problem z imieniem Karen jest zakorzeniony w samej
jego powszechności.
(stems … from) Jego obecne obraźliwe znaczenie wynika
po części z tego, że jest reliktem minionej epoki.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Mimo to trzeba zrobić coś o wiele gorszego niż any Karen,
aby zostać skreślonym z głównej listy of names forever.
Figures of śmierci i zniszczenia – Kali, Electra, Ozyrys,
Pandora, a nawet Hades – to obecnie modne imiona
for innocent babies.
To dowód na to, że tysiąclecie lub dwa mogą wash away nawet
najmroczniejsze skojarzenia z imieniem.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: Choosing a name
There are probably never going to be …
Karen has now joined that battery of …
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
To imię, które oznacza przestarzały symbol normalności,
zachowanie, które was once as unremarkable as segregacja
w szkołach lub blackface comedy, ale teraz jest całkowicie nie
do przyjęcia.
Historical: Name associations
Unlike Adolf, the name Karen is not associated with …
Nor is Karen a pointed ethnic slur, the way …
Social: White privilege
Karen is a name that stands for …
Even before it became associated with …
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Mayo Clinic
The Top 10 Hospitals
in the World
Newsweek partnered with Statista Inc., a global market research and consumer
data company, to develop a groundbreaking ranking of the world’s best hospitals
he best hospitals in the world
must deal with a plethora of challenges facing the
health-care field today, including tight regulations, rapid advancements in medical
science, new health risks and
ever-rising costs. And they
must do so while also delivering on what must be
a medical facility’s No. 1 priority: providing topnotch patient care.
What is critical for health care consumers to figure
out: Where can you find these industry leaders today—the ones that meet the economic, political and
medical challenges they face with speed and skill,
while also providing the very best health care to the
people they treat?
To help answer that question, Newsweek partnered with Statista Inc., a global market research
and consumer data company, to develop a groundbreaking ranking of the world’s best hospitals. The
result is our second annual ranking of the best hospitals in the world, the top 10 of which you’ll find here.
of challenges
– mnóstwo wyzwań
– pierwszorzędny
– przełomowy
1. Mayo Clinic
The largest—and original—Mayo Clinic has been in
Rochester, Minnesota, since 1889. Every year, approximately 1.3 million people from 138 countries
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come to the Mayo Clinic’s 19 hospitals in five states
for their specialized team approach. With over 4,800
staff physicians and scientists and over 4,000 fulltime research personnel, it is committed to finding
answers to the toughest medical cases. Always on the
cutting edge, the clinic recently announced several new cancer initiatives. In a counterintuitive
move, researchers in Rochester found that by encouraging cancers to mutate, the cancers can be targeted by immunotherapy, and clinical trials for
pediatric patients with brain tumors will put this
into practice shortly. It also recently announced an
agreement to build the first carbon ion therapy
treatment center in North America to treat challenging cancers at its Jacksonville, Florida, campus.
Patients who seek out the Mayo Clinic appreciate
the convenience of its rapid, same-day test results
and free concierge services to assist with logistics
and travel advice.
Toronto General Hospital(UNIVERSITY
Cleveland Clinic
2. Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic has always made patient care its
centerpiece, and it takes to heart its motto: “Care
for the patient as if they are your own family.” Historically, Cleveland has also been known for medical
breakthroughs and organ transplants, including
the first face transplant in the United States. In 2019,
it broke its own organ transplant records—897, up 3
percent from the year before—including the world’s
first single-port robotic kidney transplant,
which allows for a single small incision and limits
the need for postoperative opioids for pain relief.
Cleveland’s health system encompasses 18 full-service locations systemwide. In 2018, there were 7.9
million outpatient visits, from 185 countries,
across all of its campuses.
3. Massachusetts General Hospital
Over 200 years old and the original and largest
teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital is known for its cuttingedge research. Mass General doctors put the insights
they gather from that research to good use when diagnosing and treating the nearly 1.6 million patients
who walk through its doors annually. With an annual budget of more than $850 million for research
and more than 1,200 clinical trials taking place at
any time, it is no wonder that Mass General publishes more research articles in prestigious medical
journals and receives more federal funding than any
other independent hospital in the country. Its researchers’ findings range from linking sleep timing
and teen obesity to tagging cells using laser particles so as to better understand the growth of—and
Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Singapore General Hospital
cutting edge
– nowatorski
(np. o technologii)
move – działanie
wbrew intuicji /
clinical trials
– badania kliniczne
brain tumor – guz
carbon ion therapy
treatment – leczenie/
terapia jonami węgla
seek out – szukać,
concierge service
– usługi konsjerża
centerpiece – chluba,
najważniejszy aspekt
– przełom
w medycynie
single-port robotic
kidney transplant
– jednoportowy,
przeszczep nerek
incision – nacięcie
– pooperacyjne
outpatient visit
– wizyta
(w poradni /
teen obesity
– otyłość
tag cells – oznaczać
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The Top 10 Hospitals in the World
4. Toronto General Hospital
(University Health Network)
Since 1819, Toronto General Hospital has been
a leader in cardiac care, organ transplants and the
treatment of complex patient needs. TGH has focused on novel therapies to treat endocrine and
autoimmune disorders ever since insulin was developed, and its first clinical use in the treatment of
diabetes at the hospital was in 1922. This past year,
TGH doctors performed the first robot-assisted
brain surgery on a live patient, which they hope will
bridge even more frontiers and eventually allow
patients in remote communities to get this kind of
life-saving care. Its five-year strategic plan focuses
on patient well-being and provides regular, transparent performance reviews of health outcomes
and patient experience.
5. Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Given that Charité was founded in 1710 when bubonic plague threatened Berlin, it is fitting that,
in what is now one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, Charité researchers are taking the
lead on identifying and treating infectious diseases such as Zika, SARS and MERS. Charité researchers developed the first diagnostic test to
identify the COVID-19 coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China. More than half of all German Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine
can be claimed by Charité as one of its own, and the
hospital is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and training. In a new partnership announced in July 2019, Charité is integrating
the Berlin Institute of Health under its umbrella;
according to a statement from the BIH, it “is to become—alongside patient care and the medical faculty—the third pillar of Charité.”
6. The Johns Hopkins Hospital
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, founded in 1889 in
Baltimore, is not only a leading teaching and research hospital, but it is also central to the history
and development of American medical education.
William Osler, one of the hospital’s founding physicians, invented the idea of medical residency, taking
students out of the lecture halls and onto the wards
to examine patients. Today Johns Hopkins has
1,162 beds and more than 2,400 full-time attending
physicians. Among other firsts, Johns Hopkins was
the first hospital in the U.S. to perform male-to-female sex-reassignment surgery.
7. Universitäts Spital Zurich
The lineage of this hospital, the first in Zurich,
dates back to 1204. It is one of five university hospitals in Switzerland. Currently, it has 43 depart-
ments and institutes, ranging from a center on
aging and mobility to a department of surgery
and transplantation. The hospital has 980 beds,
and 1,500 physicians and scientists. It treats over
42,000 inpatients and has over 500,000 outpatient visits every year. In 1977, a physician here
successfully restored normal blood flow to constricted coronary arteries using a balloon catheter. Today, the procedure is widely used all over
the world.
8. Singapore General Hospital
The oldest and largest hospital in this city-state,
Singapore General Hospital, a teaching hospital,
was founded in 1821. Now, it employs more than
10,000 people and sees more than 1 million patients
every year. It is home to Southeast Asia’s only full
multidisciplinary center for cancer and is an acute
tertiary referral hospital with over 40 clinical
disciplines. In 2010, it was the first hospital in Asia
to receive the Magnet designation for nursing excellence from the American Nurses Credentialing
9. Sheba Medical Center
The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, near
Tel Aviv, serves as Israel’s national research and
university-affiliated training hospital. It was founded in 1948 as the country’s first military hospital.
Today, it collaborates with biotech and pharmaceutical companies around the world to develop new
drugs and treatments. Serving more than 1.6 million patients a year, its facilities include an acute
care hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a women’s
hospital, a children’s hospital, an eating disorders
clinic, a post-traumatic stress disorder clinic
for soldiers and an outpatient clinic. Its research
specialties include cardiology, cancer, brain diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, genetics and medical education.
and autoimmune
– zaburzenia
i autoimmunologiczne
bubonic plague
– dżuma dymienicza
infectious disease
– choroba zakaźna
surgery – operacja
zmiany płci
constricted coronary
arteries – zwężone
tętnice wieńcowe
acute tertiary
referral hospital
– szpital trzeciego
stopnia dla
pacjentów z ostrym
przebiegiem choroby
stress disorder
– zespół stresu
– położnictwo
– medycyna
10. Karolinska University Hospital
This hospital, with about 15,000 employees and
1,340 beds, is affiliated with the Karolinska Institute, which was founded in 1810 by King Karl XIII
as a school for military surgeons, given the alarm
about death rates in army field hospitals. Today it
is one of the largest and most prestigious medical
schools in the world. The facility incorporates two
children’s hospitals and is known for its specialties
in reproductive medicine, fetal medicine, surgery, urology and neurosurgery. It is a member of 18
referral networks across Europe concentrating on
rare diseases. NL
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Task 1
Task 2
Watch the video from 01:08 to 04:20
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how to use at page 4
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
Listen to the recording and answer the following questions:
Which hospital/clinic…
1. … performed the first face transplant in the
2. … specializes in treating rare diseases?
3. … developed the first COVID-19 diagnostic
test for coronavirus disease?
4. … has recently announced plans to build
North America’s first carbon ion treatment
center to beat cancer?
5. … performed the first male-to-female sex
change surgery in America?
6. … was the first to perform robot-assisted
brain surgery on a live patient?
Task 3
1. What was Sigmund Freud’s most important contribution to science?
2. What vaccine did Edward Jenner invent?
3. What is Andreas Vesalius best known for?
4. What did Joseph Lister discover and develop?
5. How did Alexander Fleming impact the world?
6. How was Hippocrates important in the development of medicine?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
top 10 hospitals
health care
medical science
medical breakthroughs
top-notch patient care
cutting-edge research
prestigious medical journals
patient well-being
internationally renowned
toughest medical cases
tight regulations
ever-rising costs
teen obesity
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
The best hospitals in the world must …
What is critical for health care consumers …
To help answer that question, …
meet challenges
perform surgery
provide performance reviews
examine patients
concentrate on rare diseases
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The Top 10 Hospitals in the World
With over 4,800 staff lekarzy i naukowców oraz ponad 4000
pełnoetatowych pracowników naukowych, it is committed to
finding odpowiedzi na najtrudniejsze przypadki medyczne.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(deal with … facing … health-care field) Najlepsze szpitale
na świecie muszą mierzyć się z mnóstwem wyzwań stojących
obecnie przed służbą zdrowia.
Zawsze on the cutting edge, klinika niedawno ogłosiła kilka
nowych inicjatyw onkologicznych.
(tight … advancements … ever-rising) Obejmują one
rygorystyczne przepisy, szybkie postępy w naukach
medycznych, nowe zagrożenia dla zdrowia i stale rosnące
Niedawno ogłosiła również porozumienie w sprawie budowy
pierwszego carbon ion therapy treatment center in North
America w celu leczenia trudnych nowotworów at its
Jacksonville, Florida, campus.
(partnered … consumer data … develop) „Newsweek” nawiązał
współpracę ze Statista Inc., globalną firmą zajmującą się
badaniami rynku i danymi konsumenckimi, w celu opracowania
przełomowego rankingu najlepszych szpitali na świecie.
(annual) Efektem jest nasz drugi coroczny ranking najlepszych
szpitali na świecie.
Pacjenci, którzy seek out the Mayo Clinic, doceniają wygodę
szybkich wyników badań tego samego dnia oraz bezpłatne
concierge services, które pomagają with logistics i poradach
dotyczących podróży.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Każdego roku około 1,3 miliona ludzi ze 138 krajów przyjeżdża
do the Mayo Clinic’s 19 hospitals w pięciu stanach for their
specialized team approach.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: Health care
When we fall seriously ill ...
Everybody wants to be treated ...
Medical: Top 10 hospitals
The best hospitals in the world …
To provide top-notch patient care …
Scientific: medical breakthroughs
What is critical for health care …
For instance, …
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Coming Clean About
Sometimes health care gets it wrong. That
doesn’t mean we’re not doing it right
restore faith
– przywracać wiarę
hoard – gromadzić,
wishful thinking
– myślenie
życzeniowe, pobożne
atients continue to come to
our offices begging for prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Some even think
there’s a conspiracy to prevent
them from getting one.
Perhaps this shouldn’t come
as a surprise. The COVID-19
pandemic has revealed much about health care and
our society. We have a crisis of trust and truth; it can
be hard to know who to rely on. To help restore our
faith in one another, it’s important that we health
care providers admit something out loud: We often get it wrong.
In the case of coronavirus, first we said no masks,
but now we say masks for everyone. First we said no
to steroids, especially if you are very sick, now we say
yes to steroids, but only if y ou’re sick enough.
And at first, we said HCQ might work. In fact, some
providers were guilty of self-prescribing and hoarding it. Now we say it doesn’t work for COVID-19 and
could actually do harm. But not everyone believes us,
including the president and several members of his
administration, as well as many of our own patients.
We in health care are quick to dismiss our mixed
messages by saying, “Oh, that’s just how science
works.” And, yes, science is a messy process. But
that’s not the only reason we get things wrong. The
truth is, we’re human and influenced by more than
just science.
Sometimes, we engage in wishful thinking. We
assume that because something should work, it will
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work. For example, if you have chronic chest pain
due to a blocked coronary artery, doesn’t it just
make sense to prop it open with a stent? And if you
come in with knee pain, and we see torn cartilage
on MRI, surely an operation to fix it will give you
relief? Well, it turns out that in many cases, those
stents are no better than low-cost medications and
that knee surgery is no better than physical therapy.
We have had to learn (and re-learn) the hard lesson
that intuition is not always a reliable guide to illness
and health.
Sometimes, we succumb to conflicts of interest, even if we are not always conscious of them.
When there is more money to be made in stenting an
artery or operating on a knee, it makes it harder for
us to simply prescribe a medication or send a patient
to physical therapy.
Sometimes, we just want to make our patients
happy. In fact, our livelihoods can depend on it. Providing evidence-based care does not always correlate with patient satisfaction. Without stellar
reputations and high ratings, we might not get referrals. Because of these reasons, we might avoid
hard conversations.
Sometimes, we’re simply pressed for time. It might
take 30 seconds for a clinician to say yes to a patient’s request for an antibiotic to treat the common
cold, but 30 minutes to have a conversation explaining why it won’t help.
And sometimes, we just don’t know the right answer. Medical knowledge is constantly evolving, and
it is impossible for any of us to learn it all.
Here’s what we can say about HCQ: There is no
conflict of interest at play. Hospitals don’t make
money taking care of COVID -19 patients. In
fact, they lose money, even with government bailouts. Health care professionals are taking pay cuts
or getting laid off.
If cheap HCQ could get us back to business as usual—making money doing elective surgical procedures—and writing these prescriptions would help
us secure our jobs and our pay, hospitals would be
giving it out for free given the amazing return on investment.
Furthermore, the easiest and quickest thing to do
for providers would be to just write the prescription,
which some are. But it’s not the right thing to do.
Let’s say you were to go into a fatal heart
rhythm, a known side effect of HCQ, and die. How
could we defend our decision to a jury, let alone to
your bereaved family ? Referencing a video posted
on Twitter, even a viral one, would be woefully insufficient. To prescribe something that can harm
without helping violates our most fundamental oath.
We were hopeful at first that HCQ would work for
COVID-19. It showed promise in the lab and in small
human studies. But, ultimately, our wishful thinking did not pan out.
Multiple randomized clinical trials —our
best tool to tell the difference between luck, placebo and actual treatment effect—showed that HCQ
neither prevents infection nor treats it, regardless
of whether someone has mild symptoms or is sick
enough to be hospitalized, either by itself or in combination with other drugs.
We rely on the scientific method not as a matter of
faith, but because it works. It has provided us all of
the marvels in modern medicine that have increased
longevity and reduced suffering. It also helps us
identify and avoid succumbing to our own biases
and potential conflicts of interest.
Medical knowledge
is constantly evolving,
and it is impossible for
any of us to learn it all
Like us, science is not infallible. A large number
of papers related to COVID-19 were published and
then had to be retracted, many for glaring oversights. But instead of decreasing credibility, the
willingness to correct course and call out questionable research, identify outright fraud and hold
editorial boards accountable is a sign of a healthy,
self-policing scientific community.
Time, mistakes, missteps and dead ends are fundamental to this process. That is why one or two
studies’ findings aren’t enough: We follow trends in
a growing body of evidence. Reproducibility, repetition and critical reviews are essential. Whatever
its flaws, science is the best process we have.
Usually medical practice changes in a gradual,
gentle U-turn. However, the compressed research timeline around the pandemic has made
this feel like whiplash for all of us (which, by the
way, we no longer treat with a neck brace).
We are as disappointed as our patients that HCQ
didn’t work. Our lives are also on the line. If another
well-designed large-scale trial, bigger and better than
any others, shows a positive effect for HCQ, we might
change course again, just like we have in the past.
In the meantime, we’re going to keep doing right
by our patients, which doesn’t always mean doing
what’s popular. NL
The authors are public voices fellows at
The OpEd Project. The views expressed in
this article are the authors’ own and do not
necessarily reflect the official opinions
of Massachusetts General Hospital
chronic chest pain
– przewlekły ból
w klatce piersiowej
blocked coronary
artery – zablokowana
tętnica wieńcowa
prop open
– podpierać,
torn cartilage
– uszkodzona
succumb to conflicts
of interest – ulegać
konfliktom interesów
care – opieka
(tu: medyczna)
oparta na dowodach
stellar reputation
– nienaganna
get referrals
– otrzymywać
government bailouts
– subwencje rządowe
/ dofinansowanie
od rządu
get laid off – zostać
zwolnionym z pracy
fatal heart rhythm
– śmiertelna arytmia
bereaved family
– zrozpaczona /
pogrążona w żałobie
woefully insufficient
– dramatycznie
pan out – układać
się, wypalić
(o sprawach)
clinical trials
– randomizowane
badania kliniczne
longevity – długość
bias – stronniczość,
infallible – nieomylny
glaring oversight
– rażące
credibility – spadek
call out – otwarcie
outright fraud
– jawne oszustwo
– samokontrola
dead ends – ślepe
– odtwarzalność,
gentle U-turn
– łagodny zwrot
timeline – napięty
harmonogram badań
whiplash – bicz
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Task 1
QR kod: look how to use at page 4
Task 2
Watch the video from 00:12 to 03:42
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
Listen to the recording and answer the
following questions:
1. What has recently undermined trust
in health care providers?
2. How can patient trust be restored?
3. Why do medical professionals
sometimes get it wrong?
4. What side effect of
hydroxychloroquine has been found?
5. What have the clinical trials of
hydroxychloroquine proved?
6. What makes scientific results
Task 3
1. According to Phil Plait, what is the goal of science?
2. What are the basic steps of the scientific process?
3. What is a peer review?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of science?
5. As a scientist, what do you need to be able to do?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
COVID-19 pandemic
conflicts of interest
reliable guide
evidence-based care
patient satisfaction
government bailouts
self-policing scientific community
crisis of trust
messy process
woefully insufficient
questionable research
outright fraud
glaring oversights
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed …
To help restore our faith in …
In the case of coronavirus, first …
come clean about something
restore faith in one another
get referrals
give a return on investment
hold somebody accountable
succumb to biases
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Coming Clean About Hydroxychloroquine
Wiedza medyczna nieustannie się rozwija i to niemożliwe
for any of us to learn it all.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(it … hard) Mamy kryzys zaufania i prawdy; może być trudno
wiedzieć, na kim można polegać.
Polegamy na the scientific method nie z powodu wiary, ale
dlatego, że działa.
(restore … providers … admit … get) Aby pomóc przywrócić
naszą wiarę w siebie nawzajem, ważne jest, abyśmy my,
pracownicy służby zdrowia, przyznali się głośno do czegoś:
często się mylimy.
Zapewniła nam all of the marvels in współczesnej medycyny,
które zwiększyły długość życia and reduced cierpienie.
(case … said … say) W przypadku koronawirusa najpierw
mówiliśmy: żadnych masek, a teraz mówimy: maski
dla wszystkich.
Czas, błędy, missteps i ślepe zaułki mają fundamentalne
znaczenie to this procesu.
Niezależnie od jej wad nauka jest the best process, jaki mamy.
(especially … enough) Najpierw mówiliśmy „nie” sterydom,
zwłaszcza jeśli jesteś bardzo chory, teraz mówimy „tak” dla
sterydów, ale tylko wtedy, gdy jesteś wystarczająco chory.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
(work) Na początku mówiliśmy, że HCQ może działać.
Task 6
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Zakładamy, że because something powinno działać, to zadziała.
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: COVID-19 pandemic
When at first, patients were told that HCQ might …
They begged for …
Medical: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
But it soon turned out that …
Multiple randomized clinical trials have proved …
Social: Crisis of trust
Unfortunately, such mistakes cause …
Some people have started to question …
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Massive Stimulus
Spending is the Only
Fix for Ailing
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What’s the most critical
move the next president
should make to restore
the country’s economic
health? Newsweek
asked 12 top financial
experts to offer the next
occupant of the White
House their best advice
ith two weeks to
go before the election, the nation’s
financial health
is top of mind for
Americans. A ccording to a recent
Gallup poll, nearly nine out of 10 registered voters say the economy
is the most important factor in their decision about
who to vote for—ahead of response to the pandemic, crime, race relations and a dozen other key issues.
Additionally, nearly half of those polled said that
President Donald Trump‘s recent COVID-19 diagnosis had made them even more worried about the
economy than they already were. No matter what
happens between now and Inauguration Day, January 20—even in the unlikely event of a coronavirus
vaccine or a second round of stimulus checks—the
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in rough shape
– w kiepskim stanie
lofty – dumny,
wzniosły, tutaj:
different ballpark
– zupełnie inna
join the ranks
– zasilić szeregi
ailing economy
– nadwyrężona /
economic fallout
– skutki /
go big on something
– iść z czymś
na całość, robić coś
na wielką skalę
next president will be looking at an economy that is
in rough shape and faces a long recovery.
The current national unemployment rate, after all,
is still at a lofty 7.9 percent. While that’s well below the nightmare days of late spring when it rose as
high as 14.7 percent—a level second only to the rates
seen during the Great Depression—it’s still in another ballpark from last January, when it stood at 3.6
percent, near its 50-year low.
That pain is not being distributed equally. The
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates that
the unemployment rate for Black Americans is 12.1
percent and 10.3 percent for Latinos, compared to
7 percent for whites; meanwhile, the unemployment rate for men topped out at 13.5 percent in
April while hitting 16.2 percent for women the same
month. Then too, according to the Labor Department, about five million people are about to join
the ranks of the “long-term unemployed,” meaning they’ve been out of work for at least six months,
a point at which they are increasingly likely to stop
looking for a job altogether.
Total job losses so far: about 30 million, and the
Labor Department estimates about 4 million of
those are permanent. For some individual sectors
of the economy, many of them composed largely of
small business, the lasting damage has been brutal.
Business review site Yelp, for example, recently estimated that 19,590—or 61 percent—of the 32,109 restaurants that have closed this year are gone for good.
So, with all those depressing numbers in mind and
the need for action critical, what should the next
president do to fix the ailing economy ? Newsweek asked 12 leading economic thinkers to imagine
a phone call on January 21 from the nation’s commander-in-chief asking them, “What’s your best advice for me right now on the economy?”
Below are their answers to that question, edited
for space and clarity. We heard a range of specific recommendations, but almost all of them included the
federal government pumping a ton of money into the
U.S. economy, in the form of both immediate direct
aid to individuals and businesses as well long-term
investment in things like infrastructure and education. The word we heard repeatedly was “spend.” Or
as one economist put it: “What’s the answer? Money. And lots of it.”
Mark Zandi
main lessons of that disaster: If the federal government pumps too little cash into the economy, the
downturn will be longer and more painful than necessary. “That’s why it took us a full decade to get back
to full employment,” says Zandi. “We can’t afford
that again.”
His advice for the next president: “To get back to
full employment as soon as possible, that means go
big on fiscal policy and spending–not worry about
deficit and debt, not today.” Zandi, who believes
a President Biden would be better for the U.S. economy than a second term for President Trump, recommends more stimulus checks now “as a bridge to the
other side of the pandemic,” followed by investment
in things that have a direct and long-lasting effect on
the economy, like new roads, bridges and other infrastructure and on improving America’s schools.
Just how big an investment? Zandi favors spending about $3 trillion, close to the $3.4 trillion proposal Democrats initially floated in Congress—and far
more than the $1.8 trillion (Republican) to $2.2 trillion (Democrats) packages currently on the table.
Sallie Krawcheck
CEO and Co-Founder, Ellevest
Chief Economist, Moody’s Analytics
Zandi looks at the economic fallout of the coronavirus through the lens of the 2008 financial meltdown. He worries that we’ve forgotten one of the
“The economy will
return to full strength
on its own when the
health crisis subsides”
One in four women in the U.S. is considering downshifting her job or quitting altogether due to the pandemic, according to a recent report by McKinsey and
LeanIn—at great potential cost not just to their families and careers but also to the productivity of the
country. A critical part of the solution, says Kraw-
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Massive Stimulus Spending is the Only Fix for Ailing Economy
check, a longtime top Wall Street executive, who
now runs a digital investing platform for women:
mandating paid family leave. “We have mischaracterized maternal and parental leave as an expense,”
says Krawcheck. “It’s really an investment and it
pays for itself in the first year.”
Focusing relief efforts on women is a matter of
commonsense, in Krawcheck’s view. “You are not
going to find a bigger target than half the population,” she says. “Nothing bad happens when you put
more money in the hands of women and a lot of great
things happen. Economies grow, societies are fairer,
families are better off, nonprofits are better off because women give away a larger percentage of their
wealth. If you want a lever toward growing U.S.
GDP by trillions, I would focus on women.”
Women also typically put money to more economically productive use than men—“Men tend to
spend their excess money on drink and fun, women
on advancing their families,” Krawcheck says—and
they’ve been hit harder by the pandemic. “Women
have lost their jobs to a greater degree than men,” she
says. “Even women privileged enough to work from
home are losing productivity.”
Olivia S. Mitchell
Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy,
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
There can be no resolution of the economic crisis
without first tackling the health crisis that caused
businesses to shut down in the first place, Mitchell believes. An expert on pensions and retirement
whose work typically requires taking a long view,
Mitchell wants the next president to focus instead on
the here and now. The top priority, she says: “Take
seriously the job of halting the coronavirus.”
For Mitchell, that means testing and contract tracing on a massive scale, continuing to promote selfquarantining and masks, leaving the scientists alone
who are trying to develop a vaccine and fostering
the creation of a national vaccine delivery system.
That, she says, “would go a long way toward jumpstarting the economy, though some additional stimulus payments are clearly needed for the next year
or so.”
Jonathan Gruber
Professor of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gruber, who was one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act, says he’d advise the new president to
follow the example of Eisenhower and other post
World War II presidents: “During the decades after
World War II, the U.S. government increased public research and development spending to 2 percent
of the entire economy, while massively investing in
science education at all levels. The result was not
only the birth of virtually all modern technologies
but also the creation of the greatest middle class the
world has ever seen.”
Since then the U.S. has lagged other developed
countries in government spending on science. “The
result has been slow growth and falling behind our
competitors in technology development and good
job creation,” he says. “An increased investment of
0.5 percent of GDP in public R&D, paired with system-wide devotion to improved and expanded science education, would create 4 million good jobs and
make America the innovation engine of the world
Gruber also cautions to make sure the benefits of
that government spending are widely distributed,
and not limited “coastal ‘superstar’ cities.” He says,
“There are more than 100 U.S. communities that
have the skills, educational institutions and high
quality of living that can turn them into the next tech
hubs. We should hold a competition to distribute
federal funds to the locations that demonstrate the
most potential to do so.”
– opisać coś
w sposób
w błąd
lever – dźwignia
halt – powstrzymać
foster something
– sprzyjać czemuś
lag – zostać w tyle
hold a competition
– zorganizować
relief package
– pakiet pomocowy,
pakiet ulg
get by on something
– przeżyć za np.
niewielki zasiłek
cap benefits
– ograniczyć zasiłki /
Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe
Economist and Founder
Women’s Institute for Science, Equity and Race
Vonshay Sharpe advocates for a new relief package for households that have been struggling to
get by on low unemployment benefits and families
helping out young adult members. One provision,
she recommends: Allow heads of household to claim
adult children as dependents up to age 26, especially if they had been living independently and had to
return home or are college students or recent grads,
thereby qualifying the parent for more generous relief payments if there’s another round of stimulus or
bigger tax breaks.
She also suggests making unemployment assistance pay at least as much as a worker would get
for a full week at the federal minimum wage ($290
a week). According to a CNBC report, 21 states make
some unemployment payments at a rate less than
the federal minimum wage of $7.90 an hour and six
have capped their benefits below that level. Even
better than matching or topping the federal minimum wage, Vonday Sharpe says, would be a check
equal to the median between what the out-of-work
person’s gross income was and what they are now entitled to under their state’s program.
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curb economic
– ograniczyć
predatory lending
– lichwa, nieuczciwe
payday loan
– chwilówka
(rodzaj pożyczki
dip modestly
– nieznacznie spaść
edge upwards
– nadal rosnąć
subside – ustąpić
gum up – zepsuć /
schrzanić coś
Lastly, she favors grants and loans for small businesses, particularly to cover anti-coronavirus expenses like personal protective equipment or
a redesigned workspace that allows for adequate social distancing and other safety measures. She says,
“The choice between livelihood and life should not
be a privilege only afforded to those with means.”
William A. Darity, Jr.
Professor of Economics, Political Science
and African American Studies, Duke University
Darity urges the next president to focus on the
middle- and lower-income people who have been
hit hardest and often get left behind during recoveries. “I’m a longtime proponent of an economic bill
of rights for the 21st century so that is what I’d propose,” says Darity, a pioneer in the field of “stratification economics,” which focuses on the role of class,
race and caste in creating and maintaining wealth
and income inequality in society. “The economic bill
of rights is a series of policies that I wish had been
in place before the start of the coronavirus crisis.
I think it would have curbed a lot of the economic
ramifications significantly.”
The legislation Darity has in mind would include
a federal job guarantee (people who can’t find private-sector work would get government jobs at salaries they could live on); a national health insurance
program along the lines of Medicare for All (“No
more pussyfooting around with ACA,” he says) and
a public banking system to provide quality services to small depositors who are underserved by big
banks now and are subject to predatory lending
practices like reliance on payday loans.
Chris Edwards
Economist, Director of Tax Policy Studies,
The Cato Institute
While most economists have joined the chorus calling for more stimulus—how much, not if, is typically the focus of the debate—Edwards is a singular
voice who would advise the next president to put the
brakes on. “The government is overdoing it on relief,” he says.
“Overall American incomes were higher in recent
months than they would have been without a recession because of the huge amount of federal relief,”
Edwards says. “As for state aid, state government revenues have only dipped modestly, and local government revenues are stable because property tax
revenue continue to edge upwards. At best, addi-
tional stimulus spending would modestly boost GDP
for a quarter or two, but that would come at the expense of slower growth later on because of the higher
debt or taxes. The economy will return to full strength
on its own when the health crisis subsides. ”
Edwards would also advise President Biden, if
elected, to back off his proposal to double the capital gains rate. Edwards believes that would undermine America’s high-tech economy by robbing the
entrepreneurs, angel investors and venture capitalists who invest in these high-risk ventures of their
full rewards. If Trump wins, Edwards instead urges
spending cuts. “The easy one is Social Security,” he
says. “Reduce the growth rate of benefits for middleand higher-income workers by ‘progressive price indexing’ of initial benefits.”
Justin Wolfers
Professor of Public Policy and Economics
University of Michigan
Given the degree of financial pain that households
are suffering, Wolfers, like many economists, would
urge the next president to get more money into the
hands of Americans fast. But he’d also advise the
president to remove—or at try to least reduce—the
politics that have gummed up the federal government’s ability to respond quickly to the financial crisis thus far by taking some decisions out of human
“The last few weeks of stimulus talks being on
again, then off again, as electoral fortunes—and the
president’s steroid doses—fluctuated are a primary
example of the system not working,” he says. “The
fiscal need didn’t change, just the politics. So why
not simply agree in advance that if the economy gets
this bad, we’ll execute some specific amount of fiscal
A good way to accomplish this, Wolfers says, is
through “what economists call automatic stabilizers, which are programs that automatically spend
more and tax less when the economy tanks.” One
current example: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.
During tough economic times, the number of people who meet the program’s income and savings requirements go up and the program costs more. When
times are good, the reverse happens.
Beth Ann Bovino
U.S. Chief Economist, S&P Global Ratings
Even though the unemployment rate has fallen sharply since its spring peak, Bovino points out
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Massive Stimulus Spending is the Only Fix for Ailing Economy
that joblessness remains high and the improvement
seems fragile. “While the U.S. economy is no longer teetering into depression territory, the still-high
unemployment rate says the U.S. remains mired in
a severely weakened recovery and we still face a 30 to
35 percent chance of falling back into recession,” she
says. “The harsh reality is the next president has his
work cut out for him.”
Bovino believes that the next president’s first priority should be to create jobs, which would require
spending a lot of money. To get the biggest bang for
the buck, she recommends an ambitious effort to
fix or replace America’s dilapidated bridges, tunnels,
highways and airports. “Serious investment in infrastructure that meets the magnitude of this crisis is
the biggest light at the end of the tunnel,” she says.
“An investment of $2.1 trillion would create more
than 2.3 million jobs by 2024, increase per-capita income by $2,400 and add $5.7 trillion to GDP over the
next ten years. That would be 10 times the recession
losses. It’s not spending, it’s a rock-solid investment
in our country and our workforce.”
Fenaba Addo
Economist, Associate Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The next president should extend and expand help
for the 43 million current and former college and
graduate students who collectively are on the hook
for more than $1.7 trillion in higher education debt,
says Addo. Research shows that the most vulnerable borrowers are those who may have comparatively small loans but are in the worst position to pay
them back—often because they were unable to finish their degree and, as a result, have trouble finding
livable-wage jobs. She says, “They have had to prioritize non-debt related needs, at potential cost to
their own credit, so that their families are not facing
housing or food insecurity.”
At the moment, the Department of Education has
suspended student loan payments through the end
of the year and some private lenders have been willing to cut individual deals with people who can’t
make their payments. Addo hopes the next president will go further on relief efforts, and cancel at
least a portion of these loans, possibly along the lines
of a recent proposal by Democratic senators to have
President Trump use his executive powers to forgive
up to $50,000 per student in debt.
Addo recognizes, though, that loan forgiveness is
politically unlikely. “If debt cancellation is not an option,” she says, “loan payments should continue to be
suspended and households provided money, such as
the stimulus direct cash payments, to pay their expenses until there is a vaccine.”
Jeffrey Korzenik
Chief Investment Strategist, Fifth Third Bank
Even while unemployment numbers have soared,
Korzenik says, the next U.S. president will need to
deal with a longer-term shortage of workers that
will hurt GDP after the pandemic is over. Part of this
shortage, he says, comes from declining birth rates
as well the retirement of baby boomers. Newer and
more worrisome is “the declining participation of
35- to 54-year-old women, which had previously
been a bright spot in workforce growth.” Korzenik
thinks a big factor is that so many women now need
to be home with school-age kids who are attending school remotely. He thinks incentives for employers to provide childcare would help as well as
enhanced health measures for schools so they can
begin in-person teaching faster.
He is also concerned that, in terms of joblessness,
“the worst is yet to come,” as people who were laid off
early in the pandemic join the ranks of the long-term
unemployed. In general, the longer you’ve been out
of work, the harder it gets to find work and the more
likely you are to drop out of the workforce. One way
the next president could help the situation, Korzenik
says: Provide back-to-work bonuses as an incentive
for discouraged workers to continue to look for jobs.
fragile – kruchy,
łatwo mogący ulec
teeter – chwiać się,
na krawędzi
mired – uwikłany,
have one’s work cut
out for (one)
– musieć zmierzyć się
z trudnym zadaniem
bang for the buck
– najkorzystniejsza
inwestycja, stosunek
wysiłku do wartości
vulnerable borrower
– narażony na ryzyko
livable-wage job
– praca
z wynagrodzeniem,
za które da się
incentive – zachęta
be laid off – zostać
permanent – stały,
Joel Griffith
Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Instead of asking the new president to spend more
money, Griffith wants the next administration to
concentrate on cutting taxes and business regulations. He points out that while President Trump’s
cuts for corporations are intended to last forever,
most of the cuts for individuals expire in 2025. Making them permanent, as well as letting businesses
deduct the full cost of some capital investments, he
says, “will provide a permanent boost to long-term
economic growth.”
Not that he sounds very optimistic. Given the additional funds for stimulus that the government will
likely pass, on top of what’s already been spent, along
with the huge federal deficit that existed before the
pandemic began, he believes that tax increases are
more likely. Still, Griffith says that’s the wrong way
to go: “Pro-growth tax policy ultimately requires getting our fiscal house in order.” NL
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer
the following questions:
1. What is the condition of the U.S. economy
two weeks before the presidential
2. Why would Mark Zandi go big on fiscal
policy and government spending?
3. Why is Sallie Krawcheck calling for
mandating paid family leave?
4. Why does Jonathan Gruber think the new
U.S. president should invest public money
in research and development (R&D)?
5. According to William A. Darity, Jr., why
does America need an economic bill of
6. Why would Chris Edwards put a stop to
state relief programs?
7. Why, in Fenaba Addo’s opinion, should the
new president expand help for current and
former students?
8. According to Joel Griffith, how would the
U.S. economy benefit from cutting taxes
and business regulations?
Task 3
Watch the video from 00:00 to 03:46
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. How much may the world’s GDP decrease by the end of 2020 due to the
COVID-19 pandemic?
2. How many young people globally have lost their jobs due to the
3. What other economic upheavals are mentioned in the video?
4. What changes have occurred as a result of these economic shocks?
5. What approach to economic recovery has been dominant in Europe in
recent years?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
country’s economic health
top financial experts
massive stimulus spending
economic fallout
health crisis
direct aid
full employment
paid family leave
generous relief payments
tax breaks
rock-solid investment
nightmare days
ailing economy
financial meltdown
low unemployment benefits
predatory lending practices
severely weakened recovery
vulnerable borrowers
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
With two weeks to go before the election, …
According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly …
Additionally, nearly half of those …
join the ranks of something
pump a ton of money into the economy
go big on fiscal policy
cap benefits
put the brakes on
urge spending cuts
suspend student loan payments
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Massive Stimulus Spending is the Only Fix for Ailing Economy
Chociaż to znacznie poniżej koszmarnych dni of late spring,
kiedy to wzrosła aż do 14,7 procent, it’s still in another ballpark
from ubiegłego stycznia, kiedy wynosiła 3,6 procent, near its
50-year low.
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(top of mind) Na dwa tygodnie przed wyborami kondycja
finansowa kraju jest dla Amerykanów na pierwszym planie.
(registered … factor … ahead of ) Prawie dziewięciu na dziesięciu
zarejestrowanych wyborców twierdzi, że gospodarka jest
najważniejszym czynnikiem w ich decyzji o tym, na kogo
głosować – wyprzedzając reakcję na pandemię, przestępczość,
relacje rasowe i tuzin innych kluczowych kwestii.
(polled … made them … already) Ponadto prawie połowa
ankietowanych stwierdziła, że niedawne zdiagnozowanie
u prezydenta Donalda Trumpa COVID-19 sprawiło, że zaczęli
się martwić o gospodarkę jeszcze bardziej niż wcześniej.
Bank Rezerwy Federalnej of St. Louis szacuje, że stopa
bezrobocia wśród czarnoskórych Amerykanów wynosi
12,1 procent and 10.3 percent for Latinos, w porównaniu
z 7 procentami for whites.
Tymczasem stopa bezrobocia for men topped out at
13,5 procent w kwietniu while hitting 16,2 procent wśród kobiet
the same month.
Według the Labor Department, około pięciu milionów ludzi
are about to zasilić szeregi „długotrwale bezrobotnych”.
(looking at … faces … recovery) Bez względu na to, co wydarzy
się między dniem dzisiejszym a dniem inauguracji, 20 stycznia,
następny prezydent będzie przyglądał się gospodarce,
która jest w kiepskim stanie i którą czeka długi powrót
do ożywienia gospodarczego.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Obecna krajowa stopa bezrobocia, after all, wciąż wynosi a lofty
7.9 percent.
Personal: Top financial experts
Top experts have been asked …
Most of them agree that …
Economic: Massive stimulus spending
One of the arguments for massive …
Experts draw attention to …
Social: Generous relief payments
Moreover, some experts would like to support …
For instance, Sallie Krawcheck says that …
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4 Smart Money Moves
to Make as the Economy
Starts to Recover
As business conditions slowly start to improve across
the country, there are deals to be had for savvy consumers
and savers—if you can afford to take advantage of them
be out for the count
– głęboko spać
economic downturn
– spowolnienie
mortgage rate
– oprocentowanie
take on something
– podejmować się
get the word
– otrzymywać
wiadomość o czymś,
dowiadywać się
tackle – radzić sobie
z czymś, stawiać
czoło czemuś
(np. problemowi)
nab the best rate
– dosł. zaklepać
sobie najlepsze
magine you just woke up from a sixmonth coma. You’re informed that
while you were out for the count,
a new virus spread across the world,
claiming more than 500,000 lives
and infecting nearly 12 million people worldwide. That, in turn, caused
a nasty recession and the highest unemployment rates in the U.S. since the Great Depression. As if that weren’t enough, the killing of
a Black man by a Minneapolis police officer, captured on video, sparked global protests in more than
60 countries, with demonstrators demanding racial
justice and an end to police violence.
After a moment to collect your breath, you’re then
told that the U.S. stock market has soared by about
20 percent over the past three months, retail sales
surged a record 17.7 percent in May and employers
added 4.8 million jobs to their payrolls in June as
businesses nationwide began to reopen.
Pretty weird, right?
It’s a mixed-bag picture that Americans are waking
up to daily. The country is still in the midst of a devastating economic downturn and, with cases on
the rise in at least 38 states, it’s not like COVID-19
has gone anywhere. But as financial conditions improve in some sectors, there are also, undeniably,
pockets of opportunity popping up—at least for the
three quarters of Americans who still have jobs and
can afford to take advantage of them.
If you’re among the fortunate ones, here are four
smart moves to consider making now.
Renovate on the Cheap
As the news of a growing second wave of coronavirus cases spread, mortgage rates hit another all-
time in early July, with 30-year
fixed-rate loans dropping 2.9 percent, according to Mortgage News Daily.
That might make this seem like an ideal time
to shop for a new house but it’s not; home sales
tend to drop dramatically during pandemics, says
certified financial planner Brian Lockhart. In fact,
in a recent NerdWallet study, about three-quarters of respondents expressed concern about buying a house this year, worried about their ability to
safely tour prospective homes, sell their current
residence and make mortgage payments.
What it could be an ideal time for instead, says
Lockhart: taking on a renovation project to make
your home more attractive to potential buyers when
the market finally normalizes and a lot nicer to live
while you’re still in it.
Many homeowners seem to have gotten the
word. A recent Bank of America poll found that 70
percent of respondents planned to tackle home
improvement projects this year, with more planned
for 2021. And, perhaps because they’re spending
a lot more time in their living quarters lately, owners are already hard at it. Spending on improvements shot up 40 percent at the end of June,
compared to the same period last year, Earnest Research reports.
If your home has gone up in value, you can take
advantage of today’s historically low mortgage rates
and raise funds to renovate inexpensively with
a cash-out refinancing of your current loan, suggests Chris Hutchins, head of autonomous financial planning at Wealthfront. To qualify, though,
you’ll need at least 20 percent equity in your home
and a credit score of 720 or higher to nab the best
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You can’t let big
news events derail
your long-term
financial plan
Slash Your Credit Card Interest
In fact, after the Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark rate to zero earlier this year in response to
the pandemic, most borrowing rates are low these
days. One notable exception: Rates on credit cards
remain stubbornly high, at 16.6% on average for accounts that charge interest. That’s a full three percentage points above where rates were in 2015.
Erasing that high-rate debt can immediately improve your bottom line. The average credit card
user has a balance greater than $6,000, according
to credit agency Experian, which can result in hundreds of dollars in interest charges a year.
Refinancing that debt with a new lower-rate credit card, often recommended by advisors in normal
times, is probably not the best solution now. Banks,
leery of risk with the economy in flux, are getting
tight with their open-ended credit spigot and card
offers have gotten stingier— a far cry from the generous introductory bonuses, extravagant spending
rewards and long zero-percent financing periods
offered when the economy was more robust.
If you have a solid credit score of 720 or higher,
a better way to work down debt may be via a personal loan, with an average interest rate of 9.6 percent on a two-year note, per the Fed. That’s the
slash a benchmark
rate – gwałtownie
obniżyć stopę
bottom line – saldo,
wynik finansowy
leery of risk
– niechętnie
podejmujący ryzyko
in flux – w trakcie
spigot – kranik
far cry – coś zupełnie
robust – zdrowy,
work down debt
– spłacać dług
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4 Smart Money Moves to Make as the Economy Starts to Recover
installment payment
– płatność ratalna
be inclined to do
something – mieć
skłonność do
robienia czegoś
– pożyczkobiorca
ze zdolnością
– dosł. dławić się
supply glut
– nadpodaż
scold – krytykant,
bear market – bessa
(rynek o zniżkowej
heed the call
– posłuchać
carnage – rzeź,
make up the
– nadrobić,
wyrównać różnicę
dramatic rebound
– radykalne odbicie
sharp spurt
– gwałtowny zryw
in hindsight
– z perspektywy
– gwałtowny spadek
snatch up bonds
– dosł. złapać,
pozyskać obligacje
allay investor
jitters – uspokajać
nest egg – sumka
na czarną godzinę
lowest average in at least five years. Another plus:
The consistent installment payments on a personal loan might give you the necessary discipline
to wipe out your debt faster than the lower, variable
payments allowed on credit card balances.
Before searching on a personal loan aggregator
online for the best deals, check with your local credit union. These institutions often offer lower rates
than banks and other lenders.
Nab a Deal on a New Car
Shoppers, understandably, haven’t been inclined to
look for new wheels lately. Inquiries for auto loans
among the most creditworthy borrowers dropped
by two-thirds in the early months of the pandemic, according to the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau. Sales have continued to sputter, and are
expected to be down 34 percent when second-quarter results come out, car research firm Edmunds reports.
Unlike the situation with credit card lenders,
though, dealerships are offering increasingly generous financing
terms to try to win back your business. Many manufacturers are offering loans of up to six years at zero
percent interest for buyers with excellent credit, according to RealCarTips.com. Meanwhile, Nissan
is taking it one step further, kicking in an extra 12
months of interest-free financing on top of that. Car
and Driver reports many auto companies, faced with
a supply glut, are also holding down prices overall.
Good credit is key to getting the best deal, though,
as banks are tightening lending standards for auto
loans. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis, 16 percent of auto lenders raised the criteria for qualifying in the second quarter of the year—
the highest percentage in at least nine years—versus
none who were doing so when 2020 began.
Grow Your
Retirement Savings
Personal finance scolds (myself included) advised
folks not to abandon stocks in their 401(k)s and
IRAs just because these investments fell into one of
the swiftest bear markets in history when the pandemic hit. Most savers, but not all, heeded the call.
According to Fidelity, of the 7 percent of their customers who made changes to their investments from
February to May during the worst of the carnage,
nearly one in five sold stocks. The exodus was even
steeper among older savers: Of the 7.4 percent of investors age 65 and older who made changes, nearly
a third cashed out some of their stocks, thereby turning what had been losses on paper into the real thing
at a period of their lives when they have less time
available to make up the difference.
Those savers, young and older, missed out on one
of the most dramatic rebounds in market history, with the S&P 500 rising 45 percent from March
23rd to June 8th, according to Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA Research.
The moral of the story: You can’t let big news
events derail your long-term financial plan. The
day-to-day, week-to-week and even year-to-year
movements of the financial markets are impossible to predict, and gains often come in short, sharp
spurts; by the time you recognize what’s happening, the upswing is often over and the reason for it
is only apparent—if there even is a rational explanation— in hindsight.
What seemed to reassure the markets this time?
After stocks’ initial nosedive in February, Congress passed a trillion-dollar relief package and the
Fed slashed rates and snatched up bonds like candy, with the central bank stepping in again to allay
investor jitters in mid-June as second wave-fears
intensified. And the central bank will likely run its
printing press for the foreseeable future, experts say.
“The Fed is not expecting to raise rates for years,
even as the economy recovers through 2022,” notes
Morningstar senior equity analyst Eric Compton.
The most important reason to stick with a sizable stake in stocks in your 401(k), though, is history: Over the long run—periods of 10, 15, 20 years or
longer—they have outperformed all other investments and are your best bet to grow your savings
into a comfortable nest egg for retirement.
Following some simple rules can help smooth
out the ups and downs and lead to bigger gains in
the long run. For starters, automate contributions
to your account, so you end up buying more shares
when prices are low and fewer when shares are up.
And make sure you have a good mix of different
kinds of stocks, because the various categories tend
to do well at different times.
For instance, over the past three months, the big
stocks that dominate the S&P 500 index have risen 19 percent in value, but the smaller companies of
the Nasdaq have gained 32 percent. You should have
some money in each type, along with a fund that invests in stocks outside of the U.S. and some fixed-income investments too.
Perhaps most important, when the going gets
tough again, as it inevitably will, try to remember
that the stock market isn’t synonymous with the
economy, and one day the coronavirus will be firmly
in the past. Invest for then, not now. NL
Taylor Tepper is a senior writer at Wirecutter
Money and a former staff writer at Money
magazine. His work has additionally been
published in Fortune, NPR and Bloomberg. You can
find him on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer the
following questions:
1. What disconcerting
developments have taken place
in America over the past few
2. Why is now not the best time
to buy a home?
3. What is the cost of credit at
present, and how likely are
you to get a loan now?
4. How are car dealers encouraging
consumers to buy a car these
5. How did many investors react
when the pandemic hit?
6. What investments do experts
recommend to grow savings?
Task 3
Watch the video (00:00–02:56)
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. What credentials does Paul Krugman have?
2. What does Paul Krugman think about the timing of the reopening of the U.S.
3. How does the present-day economic crisis compare to the last one?
4. In Krugman’s opinion, how significant were the job gains noted in May and June?
5. What is his view on the reopening of schools?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
smart money moves
economic downturn
mortgage rates
credit card debt
auto loans
retirement savings
savvy consumers
robust economy
creditworthy borrowers
generous financing terms
relief package
nest egg for retirement
nasty recession
stubbornly high
high-rate debt
supply glut
stocks’ nosedive
investor jitters
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
spark global protests
make mortgage payments
go up in value
slash a benchmark rate
work down debt
hold down prices
Imagine you just woke up from …
You’re informed that while …
As if that weren’t enough, …
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4 Smart Money Moves to Make as the Economy Starts to Recover
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
(woke up) Wyobraź sobie, że właśnie obudziłeś się z półrocznej
(out for the count) Poinformowano cię, że podczas gdy głęboko
spałeś, nowy wirus rozprzestrzenił się po całym świecie.
(claimed) Pochłonął ponad 500 000 istnień i zainfekował
prawie 12 milionów ludzi na całym świecie.
To zróżnicowany obraz that Amerykanie are waking up to
każdego dnia.
(nasty … rates) To z kolei spowodowało okropną recesję
i najwyższą stopę bezrobocia w USA od czasu Wielkiego
Kraj nadal znajduje się w środku niszczycielskiego
spowolnienia gospodarczego and, with cases on the rise w co
najmniej 38 stanach, it’s not like COVID-19 has gone anywhere.
(killing … captured … sparked) Jakby tego było mało, zabicie
czarnego mężczyzny przez funkcjonariusza policji
z Minneapolis, uchwycone przez kamerę, wywołało globalne
protesty w ponad 60 krajach.
(demanded) Demonstranci żądali sprawiedliwości rasowej
i zaprzestania policyjnej przemocy.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Po chwili na złapanie oddechu you’re then told that
amerykańska giełda odnotowała wzrost o około 20 procent
w ciągu ostatnich trzech miesięcy.
Sprzedaż detaliczna wzrosła w maju o rekordowe 17,7 procent,
and employers added 4.8 million jobs do swoich list płac
w czerwcu, gdy przedsiębiorstwa w całym kraju zaczęły
to reopen.
Jednak wraz z poprawą sytuacji ekonomicznej w niektórych
sektorach, there are also, undeniably, nowe możliwości
popping up.
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Psychological: The pandemic
When, at the beginning of 2020, …
It hit America like a bolt from …
Business: Economic downturn
Investors started to flee …
Even though …
Financial: Smart money moves
As for ordinary people, …
Experts are advising us to …
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1 Quinn XCII 2 Mac Miller 3 Khruangbin (Laura Lee, Mark Speer and Donald Ray
“DJ” Johnson Jr.) and Leon Bridges 4 Soccer Mommy 5 Alec Benjamin 6 Alanis
Morissette 7 Meghan Trainor 8 Matt Berninger 9 Ghetto Sage (Noname, Saba, Smino)
There’s Plenty of Good Music
The year to come has plenty in store for those of us
still amenable to pop’s humble charms
s in Ecclesiastes, so with pop
music: there’s nothing really new under the sun. At
their best, song-makers ape
each other shamelessly (and
sometimes litigiously),
whether that means chord
sequences, beats, melodic
figures or even lyrical hooks. Bob Dylan copped
Woody Guthrie down to his flow-and-fingerpicking, John Mellencamp did a fairly good Dylan
impression and ad infinitum it goes. Oscar Wilde
laid it down with pith and vinegar: “Imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay
to greatness.”
Then again, one is ever astonished how every season reveals yet another tiny twist in pop music’s often repetitive journey. Amy Winehouse was not just
a great singer, but a knowing, postmodern nod to
soul icons past; Kendrick Lamar’s melding of jazz
textures and 21st-century beats was a welcome surprise; and Father John Misty mystified and delighted
ape – dosł.
– bezprawnie
lyrical hook
– chwytliwy fragment
tekstu piosenki
cop someone down
– naśladować kogoś
flow-andfingerpicking – tutaj:
interpretacja wokalna
i sposób uderzania
w struny
– mierność,
melding – łączenie,
(np. muzyki)
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psychedelia – odurzająca
psychodelia (styl
defy categorization – dosł. wymykać
się schematom,
wychodzić poza
amenable to something – podatny
na coś
pop’s humble
charms – proste /
uroki popu
potent – o dużym
potencjale /
nom de guerre –
tartly untrue-to-type – skrajne
wizerunku i stylu
weld words – łączyć /
spajać słowa
fairly well attuned
– dość dobrze
dopasowana /
– usypiający
soft melodic lilt
– miękki melodyjny
passing – odejście,
drawling vocal
– śpiewanie
polegające na
hip-hop’s braggy
brashness – hip-hopowa bezczelność
hats off – czapki
z głów
X-ray frank
– pot. bez ściemy
wryly funny
– ironicznie zabawny
ironclad conscience
– niewzruszona
filthy world
– paskudny / zepsuty
by brewing mind-bending psychedelia that defied categorization and even understanding. Bless
the Holy Father for that.
The year to come has plenty in store for those of us
still amenable to pop’s humble charms. As Noel
Coward said, it’s “extraordinary how potent cheap
music is.” Remember that when you’re trying not to
weep as, say, Josh Groban hits the big notes in “You’ll
Never Walk Alone.”
Is there a new Lizzo or Billie Eilish or even a Bon
Iver in all this? Who knows? But these artists are
worth listening to, for sure. Let the needles drop:
• Let’s start with Soccer Mommy, not only because Sophie Allison’s nom de guerre is so tartly
untrue-to-type. Her music is hardly of the tame,
suburban variety (though it would sound fine in
a millennial’s minivan). Allison is the kid Kurt Cobain and Sheryl Crow might have spawned in a parallel universe. In “Circle the Drain,” she welds words
of constant sorrow to music fairly well attuned to
the soporific pop-country scene she runs somewhat counter to. Soft melodic lilt and downbeat
musings—as old as coal but nowhere near as toxic.
Mommy, can we get ice cream?
• Mac Miller’s passing is still a very sore spot
for those rightly transfixed by his public and tragic
quest for self-revelation. His new collection (Circles)
is beautifully framed by his final collaborator, eclectic composer and producer Jon Brion. Echoing Lou
Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side” (acoustic bass and
drawling vocal ), “Circles” is the antipode of hiphop’s braggy brashness, displaying a tender and
blue-note wistfulness that is as affecting as it is velvet-to-the-ears. Music that feels felt, not just made
— hats off to Mac Miller and Brion for an intimate
ode to melancholy that cannot fail to stir.
• Twenty-five years ago, Alanis Morissette was
not only #MeToo’s first unofficial spokeswoman and prophetess, her Jagged Little Pill album
went 15-times platinum on the strength and freshness of her persona and sound (co-authored by producer Glen Ballard). When I heard a pre-release
of that album, I thought the tracks were unmixed
demos, such was their roughness and face-planting impact. “Reasons I Drink” is the first track from
Morissette’s spring album release and is, expectedly,
X-ray frank and wryly funny about a “sober”
topic, but missing is the sweet/sour thrill of her voice
unadorned by digital delay and—even worse—fighting the slick, expansive-sounding mix for primacy.
Even still, the “Irony Maiden” has an unmistakable
voice and an ironclad conscience still fighting,
Broadway aside, to stay clean in a filthy world.
“Imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery
that mediocrity can
pay to greatness”
• Props to Michigan’s Quinn XCII (“92,” his
birth year), whose 2020 “Two 10s” is a spare and
pop-funky run for Bruno Mars’ money. It has the
same sly danceability —courtesy of a reggae-ish
snare-and-cymbal dialog—and is a platform for
Q’s falsetto crooning, à la Justin Timberlake.
Add to that a hint of the aforementioned Mac Miller’s downtown diction and behind-the-beat flow,
and it all clicks. Quinn XCII owes a debt to the Red
Hot Chili Peppers—leanly-sculpted grooves and
slurred, street-corner poetics —and that’s a compliment to both for restraint, or what used to pass
for “cool.”
• Zach Galifianakis’ Between Two Ferns: The
Movie is Morissette-level ironic, except for the
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There’s Plenty of Good Music
it all down with timbres warm and dynamics soft,
the mark of a vocalist mindful of the art that conceals art. Sometimes they call that having soul, not
a bad thing to be accused of in an age of robots and
• Take three hip-hop up-and-comers and turn
them into a triple-bill called Ghetto Sage—then
prepare to smile at their collective efforts. Chicagoans Saba, Smino and Noname are the Peter, Paul
& Mary of the dropped-beat era, and their first single, “Håagen Dazs,” is a hypnotic, Mellotron-flute
backed gem. The flow is alternately hyperkinetic and casually conversational, the former courtesy of the rat-a-tat ravings of a lyrical speed demon
(Saba, a veritable Uzi of rap poetics). But it is Noname who represents for her fellow XX’ers in G’d-up
fashion—she is every bit as hard and profane as you
wannabe, man or woman, and is dazzlingly dope.
Take that, Officer Ricky Ross. You ain’t self-made
—you’re affiliated!
left to right: Donald Ray “DJ”
Johnson Jr., Laura Lee and Mark
Speer of Khruangbin produce
a gumbo of surf music and funk
doleful ditty —”Walking on a String”—that The
National’s Matt Berninger conjured up for the occasion. The solemn duet with Phoebe Bridgers is
roots chamber music at its elegant best, an acoustic bass and shimmery-organ anthem that out-earnests the film by miles. Owing debts to Lou Reed and
Sonny & Cher on the same track is a sly doff of the
postmodern cap to one’s varied forebears. What’s
to come? Berninger’s forthcoming solo album, Serpentine Prison, co-produced by Memphis legend
Booker T. Jones.
• If you ever gave up hope on the enduring
charms of Texas twang, a new collaboration between neighbors Khruangbin and Leon Bridges—
entitled “Texas Sun”— evinces echoes of “The
Dock of the Bay”-era Otis Redding while staying
true to its pan-fried rural roots. The usually instrumental Houston trio Khruangbin (Thai for “flying
engine”) is known for its genre-defying gumbo of
soul, surf and funk, but here it toes the Americana
line pretty closely, with a ladle of pedal-steel guitar
as a down-home finishing touch. Leon Bridges holds
• Admit it: Meghan Trainor’s “All About That
Bass” was difficult to turn off some six years ago
when it first dropped. For slinky/sexy, in your face
brat-i-tude and an inescapably bubbly hook, there
were no rivals. Two-billion-plus YouTube views
later, she’s fitting to drop another benign bunker-buster called “Blink.” One of 15 “self-love anthems” to come in 2020, it sounds like equal parts
Kesha and Tony Robbins: “You better not blink/
You don’t want to miss this,” Trainor spits with bravado and gumption to spare. The track skitters by
at 176 beats per minute, a fast tempo for dance but
a nice lively venue for her half-speed, self-empowerment affirmations.
• At 25 years old, Phoenix native Alec Benjamin sounds like he’s spent eons roaming around
his capacious, poetic soul. His reports from the
front haven’t the riotous fury of his idol, Eminem, but songs like “Mind is a Prison” are wise and
wizened for a lad of his age, yet gussied up by a lyrical and shapely pop palette. His new joint refers
to a community of “Demons” squatting in his boyish head, though he really doesn’t sound so panicked by their presence, instead singing a spritely
ode to the interlopers. Chalk that up to a confederate who “forgave me and gave me hope.” Love and
communion win out again over isolation and despair, an apt message in an age of dark clouds
and distant thunder. NL
Detroit native David Weiss has produced,
composed and written about music in Los Angeles
for decades, counting Iggy Pop, Bob Dylan and
Elvis Costello among his sometime collaborators
sly danceability
– zręczna / błyskotliwa
falsetto crooning
– falsetowy śpiew
z lekkim vibrato
slurred, street-corner
poetics – chłodna
uliczna poetyka
doleful ditty
– smętna rymowanka
conjure something
up – stworzyć coś
w zaskakujący sposób
solemn duet
– podniosły /
uroczysty duet
roots chamber
music – prawdziwie
kameralna muzyka
varied forebears
– różnorodni
enduring charm
– nieprzemijający
Texas twang
– teksańskie brzdąkanie
evince an echo
of something
– pobrzmiewać
echem czegoś
gumbo – trudna
do zdefiniowania
mieszanka gatunków
(np. muzycznych)
backed gem
– perełka muzyczna
z podkładem
melotronowego fletu
dazzlingly dope
– imponująco
in your face
– prowokujący,
bardzo bezpośredni
bubbly hook – tutaj:
chwytliwy kawałek,
melodia wpadająca
w ucho
benign bunkerbuster – tutaj:
pogodny muzycznie
i asertywny tekstowo
– autoafirmacyjne
eons – eony / wieki
– przestronny
riotous fury
– buntownicza
apt message – trafne
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Task 1
Task 2
Read the text and answer
the following questions:
1. In the author’s opinion, how
original is contemporary pop
2. Why may Sophie Allison’s
nickname be misleading?
3. In the author’s opinion, how does
Alanis Morissette’s latest album
compare to Jagged Little Pill?
4. What did Quinn XCII borrow from
Bruno Mars and Justin
5. Which song has had over two
billion views on YouTube?
6. What sets Alec Benjamin apart
from other artists of his age?
Task 3
Watch the video from 00:18 to 03:13
and answer the following questions:
QR kod: look how
to use at page 4
1. Who was the host of the 2020 MTV VMAs?
2. Who did the host dedicate the show to?
3. Who won the Best Collaboration award and with which song?”
4. What new song did Miley Cyrus perform that night?
5. Who won the Best Latino Artist award?
6. How many awards did the boys of BTS win?
7. What song did Doja Cat sing?
Describe the issue presented in the article. Use the expressions listed below. They will help you give structure to the text analysis.
key words:
collocations with positive meaning:
collocations with negative meaning:
good music
new collaborations
beautifully framed
wryly funny
unmistakable voice
sly danceability
poetic soul
apt message
repetitive journey
cheap music
constant sorrow
tragic quest
riotous fury
action verb phrases:
Record your text analysis on a voice recorder or practice delivering
your presentation in a group setting.
There’s nothing really new …
Song-makers ape each other …
Oscar Wilde laid it down …
ape each other
defy categorization
stay clean in a filthy world
pass for “cool”
conjure up for the occasion
drop another bunker-buster
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There’s Plenty of Good Music
Task 4
Translate the sentences below using
the suggested word or phrase.
Amy Winehouse była nie tylko wielką piosenkarką, lecz także
świadomym, postmodernistycznym nod to soul icons past.
(Ecclesiastes … so) Jak u Koheleta, tak i w muzyce pop: nic zgoła
nowego nie ma pod słońcem.
(ape) Twórcy piosenek małpują się nawzajem bezwstydnie,
a czasem i bezprawnie.
(means) Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o sekwencje akordów,
bity, figury melodyczne, czy nawet chwytliwe fragmenty tekstu
(copped … down) Bob Dylan naśladował Woody’ego Guthriego
włącznie z interpretacją wokalną i sposobem uderzania
w struny.
(did … goes) John Mellencamp całkiem wiernie udawał Dylana
i tak dalej ad infinitum.
(mediocrity) Oscar Wilde powiedział kiedyś: „Imitacja jest
najszczerszą formą hołdu, jaki przeciętność może złożyć
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 5
Continue the translation using the suggested word or phrase.
Remember: It’s not about translating these sentences perfectly—there are a number of possible ways to translate each
sentence. This task aims to teach you TO THINK IN ENGLISH.
By working on your translation of a sentence, you can change it
to get closer to the sense of the original (see Key).
Z drugiej zaś strony one is ever astonished how każdy sezon
odkrywa jeszcze jeden tiny twist w powtarzalnej podróży, jaką
jest muzyka pop.
Łączenie jazzowych textures i bitów XXI wieku przez
Kendricka Lamara was a welcome surprise.
Nadchodzący rok ma wiele do zaoferowania dla tych z nas still
amenable to proste uroki popu.
Jak powiedział Noel Coward, it’s “extraordinary, jak duży
potencjał tkwi w tandetnej muzyce”.
Pamiętajcie o tym, próbując powstrzymać szloch, gdy
– powiedzmy – Josh Groban hits the big notes w “You’ll Never
Walk Alone.”
You can use your translations in your presentation of the topic
(in Task 6).
Task 6
Now it’s time to put forward your views on the issues.
Record your speech on a voice recorder or
practice presenting your opinion in a group setting.
Consider the issues raised in the text from these viewpoints:
Personal: Good music
There’s nothing really new under ...
Still, there is plenty of good ...
Artistic: Song-makers
Song-makers ape each other ...
For instance, Bob Dylan copped Woody Guthrie ...
Business: Commercial success
“All About That Bass” was difficult to …
Two-billion-plus YouTube views later …
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The Most Iconic James Bond Locations Around the World (Level
KEY – Task 4
In almost every adventure, the secret agent finds himself on
a beautiful tropical island with an equally attractive woman.
Many remember Sean Connery in the first Bond film, Dr. No (1962),
with Ursula Andress and her famous white bikini.
Practicing martial arts is important to keep 007 in fighting shape.
Fight scenes in blood-pumping locations are a staple of Bond films.
Skyfall opens with a motorbike chase through Istanbul, and the
scene comes to a climax with a fistfight on top of a moving train.
KEY – Task 5
In the classic movie Goldfinger (1964, Sean Connery), Bond races
along these precarious cliffs in pursuit of the villain.
The sharp turns and breakneck speeds in classic cars make this
an adrenaline-packed scene.
You can drive the same road (at a much slower pace), but it is
a region known for snow, so be careful!
The villains of Quantum of Solace (2008) meet at a hotel in the
desert to finalize plans, and Bond (Daniel Craig) is there with
his Bond girl (played by Olga Kurylenko) to foil their plans.
In real life, the hotel is at the Paranal Observatory in the Atacama
Desert in an area known for amazing stargazing and breathtaking
The Most Interesting Women in the World:
A Century of Explorers (Level B1)
KEY – Task 4
Kellee Edwards was dubbed “The Most Interesting Woman in the
World” by Outside magazine.
Nellie Bly is also known for beating the “around the world
in 80 days” record inspired by the Jules Verne novel.
In 1889 she circumnavigated the globe by steamship, train,
rickshaw, horse and donkey—all in 72 days.
Sisters Augusta Van Buren and Adeline Van Buren were the first
women to ride solo motorcycles across the continental U.S. in 1916.
Bessie Coleman was the first Black woman to earn her pilot’s
KEY – Task 5
Aloha Wanderwell lived the life of an adventure movie: Over
a seven-year expedition she drove across six continents behind
the wheel of a Model T Ford.
It took two years, but the Polish sea captain and shipbuilding
engineer became the first woman to sail solo around the world.
Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, the “First Lady of the Oceans,”
single-handedly sailed 28,696 miles across the seven seas.
Barbara Hillary was the first Black woman to trek to both the North
and South Poles.
Otherworldly Natural Phenomena You’ve Got to See (Level B1)
KEY – Task 4
What happens under the surface is much more curious than what
meets the eye.
These beautiful patterns can be dangerous though; if a bubble
cracks, highly flammable gas is released.
Thousands of fireflies gather together and flash simultaneously
every few seconds during their mating ritual.
It lasts for only two weeks a year, usually sometime during May
or June.
The peak time to see the colors in full form is late summer to early
NASA says it is the highest concentration of lightning on earth.
KEY – Task 5
Anywhere from hundreds to thousands of these birds group
together, creating this synchronized dance in the sky.
What might appear to be a regular grove of trees from a distance
is far from that upon closer inspection.
Around 400 pine trees, each less than 100 years old, make up what
is known as the “crooked forest”.
The Maldives is known for its beautiful turquoise waters
and bungalows.
But what’s going on just under the sea is at least as impressive.
The lava shines a bright blue color that is only really visible after
Socially Distanced Nights Under the Stars (Level B1)
KEY – Task 4
Unplugging is easy in the Valle de Guadalupe in Mexico, a region
filled with wineries.
Sleeping in the jungle doesn’t need to be uncivilized.
These bubbles come with a private pool and fire pit and are a short
walk from a beach where you may spot sea turtles.
Leave life on the ground behind with a night at this hotel
in the trees.
An hour away from the hustle of Madrid, this bubble hotel i
s secluded from any light pollution.
In the heart of the countryside of the Castilla la Mancha region,
this place is a world away from city life.
KEY – Task 5
Unlike other hotels that have dozens or hundreds of rooms,
this resort in the Dolomite Mountains has only one.
The windows around the bed are all glass and the entire room
can be rotated for the best view.
Accessible only by ramps or ladders, getting to these rooms
is an adventure in itself.
Glass hotels can be found not only above ground, but also
underwater, like this one in the Maldives.
Spending a night under the sea at the Muraka lets you be
completely surrounded by colorful fish and maybe even a passing
sea turtle.
After the sun goes down, the bubbles offer unobstructed views
of the entire night sky.
Janelle Monáe’s Film Antebellum Shows
the Horrors of Systemic Racism (Level B1)
KEY – Task 4
Janelle Monáe plays Veronica Henley, a successful writer trapped
in a terrifying reality mirroring America’s original sin: slavery.
One of the things that this film says is that the past is not even
the past.
Monáe is best known as a Grammy-nominated music star.
She hit the ground running with her first two films: Hidden
Figures and Moonlight.
She says she’s grateful those films were her debut.
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They had a very specific perspective around the Black experience
and about broadening who we can be as a people.
KEY – Task 5
After Antebellum, “community and being a good citizen is what
I’m focused on next,” says Monáe.
This film mirrors a lot of what we are dealing with today.
I think that themes of systemic racism, racial injustice,
micro-aggressions, white supremacy and the burden that
Black woman have to carry is at the center of our lives.
This discomfort that we’re feeling is a part of everyone’s reality
now, and we can’t shy away from it.
In order for us to deconstruct systemic racism and white
supremacy, we have to deal with them, we have to confront them.
“I’m a Plus-Size Fashion Influencer” (Level B2)
KEY – Task 4
It all started when I was a starry-eyed little girl.
My attraction to fashion as a little girl grew into an intense teenage
But, as I got a little older, I learned a hard truth—my love was
not being requited.
I’m a plus-size influencer and loving fashion isn’t easy when you’
re fat.
Fashion has always been a huge part of my life.
I loved watching my mother get dressed.
KEY – Task 5
From an early age I analyzed her choices and thought about what
I would wear when I was a grown up.
As a lifelong creative, fashion quickly became a way for me to
express who I was.
I love the idea that without speaking, there is so much you can
tell someone about who you are.
Being the only fat girl in a room for a really long time was both
empowering and traumatic.
I also knew that it took so much more for me to express my fashion
sensibility, because what was in my mind rarely existed in my size.
An Underwater Art World That’s Helping to Save Our Oceans
(Level B2)
KEY – Task 4
These underwater gardens created by deCaires Taylor call
attention to the huge threats to ocean life.
About 25 percent of the ocean’s life depend on healthy reefs
for shelter and food.
Yet 40 percent of the world’s coral reefs have been damaged over
the last several decades due to factors such as global warming,
overfishing and irresponsible tourism.
“A lot of my works are ordinary scenes you’d see in a terrestrial
“But when you drop them into a different world, you’re able to
think a little bit deeper and reflect in a different way,” says deCaires
KEY – Task 5
Off the coast of Nassau sits the world’s largest underwater
sculpture, shallow enough for both snorkelers and divers to view.
This 60-ton, 16-foot tall statue of a young Bahamian girl appears
to hold up the ocean.
Unlike most of deCaires Taylor’s works, these sculptures can be
seen from land, on the banks of the River Thames, emerging during
low tide.
They are a reminder of rising sea levels and the denial of climate
On a small island near Bali, known for clear waters and turtles,
lie these 48 life-size cement figures.
Resting on the seafloor and only 13 feet deep, divers, snorkelers
and glass-bottomed boats visit daily.
Will Anyone Ever Name Their Child Karen Again? (Level B2)
KEY – Task 4
There are 1,107,736 people named Karen in the United States right
now, and there are probably never going to be 1,107,737.
The reason: Karen has now joined that battery of names so closely
identified with negative traits or reprehensible individuals.
Unlike Adolf, the name Karen is not associated with a heinous
person who masterminded the murder of 11 million people and
started an international war.
The problem with Karen as a name is rooted in its very ubiquity.
Its current derogatory meaning stems, in part, from it being a relic
of that bygone era.
KEY – Task 5
It’s a name that stands for an outdated brand of normalcy, behavior
that was once as unremarkable as segregated schools or blackface
comedy but that now is totally unacceptable.
Even before it became a synonym for racist shrew, Karen was
heading straight downhill as a baby name.
Still, you have to do something a lot worse than any Karen to be
crossed off the master list of names forever.
Figures of death and destruction—Kali, Electra, Osiris, Pandora,
even Hades—are now fashionable names for innocent babies.
That’s proof that a millennium or two can wash away even
the darkest name associations.
The Top 10 Hospitals in the World (Level B2)
KEY – Task 4
The best hospitals in the world must deal with a plethora
of challenges facing the health-care field today.
They include tight regulations, rapid advancements in medical
science, new health risks and ever-rising costs.
Newsweek partnered with Statista Inc., a global market research
and consumer data company, to develop a groundbreaking ranking
of the world’s best hospitals.
The result is our second annual ranking of the best hospitals
in the world.
KEY – Task 5
Every year, approximately 1.3 million people from 138 countries
come to the Mayo Clinic’s 19 hospitals in five states for their specialized team approach.
With over 4,800 staff physicians and scientists and over 4,000
full-time research personnel, it is committed to finding answers to
the toughest medical cases.
Always on the cutting edge, the clinic recently announced several
new cancer initiatives.
It also recently announced an agreement to build the first carbon
ion therapy treatment center in North America to treat challenging
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Coming Clean About Hydroxychloroquine (Level B2)
KEY – Task 4
We have a crisis of trust and truth; it can be hard to know who to
rely on.
To help restore our faith in one another, it’s important that we
health care providers admit something out loud: We often get
it wrong.
In the case of coronavirus, first we said no masks, but now we
say masks for everyone.
First we said no to steroids, especially if you are very sick, now
we say yes to steroids, but only if you’re sick enough.
And at first, we said HCQ might work.
KEY – Task 5
We assume that because something should work, it will work.
Medical knowledge is constantly evolving, and it is impossible
for any of us to learn it all.
We rely on the scientific method not as a matter of faith,
but because it works.
It has provided us all of the marvels in modern medicine that have
increased longevity and reduced suffering.
Time, mistakes, missteps and dead ends are fundamental
to this process.
Whatever its flaws, science is the best process we have.
4 Smart Money Moves to Make as
the Economy Starts to Recover (Level C1)
KEY – Task 4
Imagine you just woke up from a six-month coma.
You’re informed that while you were out for the count a new virus
spread across the world.
It claimed more than 500,000 lives and infected nearly 12 million
people worldwide.
That, in turn, caused a nasty recession and the highest
unemployment rates in the U.S. since the Great Depression.
As if that weren’t enough, the killing of a Black man by
a Minneapolis police officer, captured on video, sparked global
protests in more than 60 countries.
Demonstrators demanded racial justice and an end to police
KEY – Task 5
After a moment to collect your breath, you’re then told that the
U.S. stock market has soared by about 20 percent over the past
three months.
Retail sales surged a record 17.7 percent in May and employers
added 4.8 million jobs to their payrolls in June as businesses
nationwide began to reopen.
It’s a mixed-bag picture that Americans are waking up to daily.
The country is still in the midst of a devastating economic
downturn and, with cases on the rise in at least 38 states,
it’s not like COVID-19 has gone anywhere.
But as financial conditions improve in some sectors, there are
also, undeniably, pockets of opportunity popping up.
Massive Stimulus Spending is the Only Fix for Ailing Economy
(Level C1)
KEY – Task 4
With two weeks to go before the election, the nation’s financial
health is top of mind for Americans.
Nearly nine out of 10 registered voters say the economy is the most
important factor in their decision about who to vote for—ahead of
response to the pandemic, crime, race relations and a dozen other
key issues.
Additionally, nearly half of those polled said that President Donald
Trump‘s recent COVID-19 diagnosis had made them even more
worried about the economy than they already were.
No matter what happens between now and Inauguration Day,
January 20, the next president will be looking at an economy that
is in rough shape and faces a long recovery.
KEY – Task 5
The current national unemployment rate, after all, is still at a lofty
7.9 percent.
While that’s well below the nightmare days of late spring when it
rose as high as 14.7 percent, it’s still in another ballpark from last
January, when it stood at 3.6 percent, near its 50-year low.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates that
the unemployment rate for Black Americans is 12.1 percent
and 10.3 percent for Latinos, compared to 7 percent for whites.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for men topped out at 13.5 percent in April while hitting 16.2 percent for women the same month.
According to the Labor Department, about five million people are
about to join the ranks of the “long-term unemployed.”
There’s Plenty
of Good Music (Level C1)
KEY – Task 4
As in Ecclesiastes, so with pop music: there’s nothing really new
under the sun.
Song-makers ape each other shamelessly, and sometimes
Whether that means chord sequences, beats, melodic figures
or even lyrical hooks.
Bob Dylan copped Woody Guthrie down to his
John Mellencamp did a fairly good Dylan impression
and ad infinitum it goes.
Oscar Wilde once said: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
KEY – Task 5
Then again, one is ever astonished how every season reveals yet
another tiny twist in pop music’s often repetitive journey.
Amy Winehouse was not just a great singer, but a knowing,
postmodern nod to soul icons past.
Kendrick Lamar’s melding of jazz textures and 21st-century
beats was a welcome surprise.
The year to come has plenty in store for those of us still amenable
to pop’s humble charms.
As Noel Coward said, it’s “extraordinary how potent cheap music
Remember that when you’re trying not to weep as, say,
Josh Groban hits the big notes in “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”
cancers at its Jacksonville, Florida, campus.
Patients who seek out the Mayo Clinic appreciate the convenience
of its rapid, same-day test results and free concierge services to
assist with logistics and travel advice.
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