Rzeszów University of Technology Electrical and Computer Engineering The Faculty of: Field of study: Automatics and Robotics Speciality: Study degree (BSc, MSc): BSc COURSE UNIT DESCRIPTION Computer Engineering Course title: Lecturer responsible for course: Sławomir Samolej, PhD Contacts: phone: 17 8651486 e-mail: [email protected] Department : Computer and Control Engineering Type of classes Semester Weekly load 1 7 L Lectures C Theoretical Classes Lb Laboratory P Project 45 0 30 0 Number of ECTS credits 9 Course description Lecture: Computer architecture, algorithms and data structures, principles of programming, operating systems, data bases, computer networks, artificial intelligence methods in robotics and control engineering. Classes: Laboratory: Binary data representation and arithmetic calculations , selected algorithms and data structures, elementary programming – C/C++ language basic data types and instructions, data bases browsing, maintaining and elementary development, computer networks – configuring and maintaining, operating systems – basic mechanisms, selected artificial intelligence algorithms and data structures. Objectives of the course General knowledge about computer architecture, algorithms and data structures, operating systems, computer networks and artificial intelligence. The ability to compose elementary C/C++ programs, to maintain and suggest the relative database structure, to administrate typical computer network infrastructure. Examination method Lecture: Final written exam, Laboratories: Written tests. Bibliography 1. M. Hajder, H. Loutski, W. Stręciwilk, "Informatyka; Wirtualna podróż w świat systemów i sieci komputerowych", WSiZ Rzeszów 2002. 2 N. Wirth, "Algorytmy + struktury danych = Programy", WNT 2004. 3. L. Banachowski, K. Diks, W. Rytter, "Algorytmy i struktury danych", WNT 2001. 4. W. Kernighan, D.M. Ritichie, „Język ANSI C”, WNT Warszawa 1994. 5. J. Grębosz, "Symfonia C++ Standard", EDITION 2000, 2006. 6. K. Krysiak, "Sieci komputerowe: kompendium", Helion 2005. 7. A. Silberschatz, J.L. Peterson, G. Gagne, "Podstawy systemów operacyjnych", WNT 2005. 8. J. D. Ullman, J. Widom, "Podstawowy wykład z systemów baz danych", WNT 2001. 9. K. Świder, G. Dec, B. Trybus, "Inżynieria systemów informatycznych. Podstawy i praktyka budowy systemów oprogramowania". Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej 2004 Lecturer signature Head of Department signature Dean signature