Go mushroom-picking! I i Look ot the mops. Guess how much of Polond's oreo is forest. reffi ig"l-"-wi*ł i one third 4 i i Why is BiołowieżoForest o speciol ploce? Reod the text ond find out. I i . I '::., i--s lrqll i @ S.SA Listen to the interview with Lody Yogo. Check your onswer to Exercise I . ,;,..t . .-'', t- :, '.,. I, ':.:.:::-':" lies in the It's ven'special because it's one of the last primary forests in Europe. Priman- forest looks the same as it did mani-. man1_1"ears ago. Białowieża Forest is about fir'e thousand r-ears old. Its wildlife is very rich - s'e still don't knos' all the animals and there, but rl.e knou-the king of the forest. Its European @ S.Se Listen to the interview ogoin. Choose the correct option. Write the onswers in your notebook. I 2 Lody Yogo never I ot'ten visits Polond. She doesn't know ony / knows some people in Polond. 3 She likes Polish/orests I cities. 4 She wonts to visit Kelce l Biołowieżo Forest' tro@ I east of Poland. on rhe border rvith Belarus. @ bison. planrs the I I l I I I I a.se Motch the words from the box to the pictures on poge l2l. Write the onswers in your notebook. Listen, check ond repeot l :ln";::: I I I I ffil',iT".:'"";iŁ";,,o*o",,,*| *:ł"T':"Jl"filthe box in Exercise' *^''' l